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Suspicious Download FP: MBST


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https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mbst   --->   https://cdn.mwbsys.com/packages/mbst.app/e/6/c/5/e6c51177a27d48098d691fe2661bb41d/72c77a5b-42ca-4d49-aed3-0c035e5f6709.exe




Using macOS Catalina 10.15.6 (19G2021) & Firefox 79.0 with MBG 2.2.9

Thank you.

Screen Shot 2020-08-18 at 02.57.24.png

Edited by 1PW
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@adas @gonzo

Hello Mike:

Please excuse my most tardy response.  I had temporarily surrendered to the Greek god Morpheus.

For me, this issue is quickly reproduced at will:

  1. I start by pasting this forum's generic download server's common MBST URL in the Firefox address bar. (Documented in my post #1's code box.)
  2. That action immediately redirects to the CDN server's URL for the current executable (right portion of the code box in my post #1) where a notification box (attached below) then appears and asks if I want to open or save the MBST executable file.
  3. I allow the Save File radio button to remain selected.
  4. After clicking the OK button, probably only a few hundred milliseconds pass and the executable's download is blocked and replaced by the MBG suspicious screen. (Attached in my #1 post)

The issue is not present with Chrome or Edge.  If you believe another set of fresh MBG Debug Logs might be helpful, please let me know who to send them to.  To me this is merely an avoidable annoyance.  I truly apologize for the staffer time and energy being spent.


Screen Shot 2020-08-18 at 20.13.17.png

Edited by 1PW
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