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Unable to activate Browser Guard


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II have typed in my email address and clicked on "Let's Go" and nothing happened.

I have removed it and then added it several times and nothing changed.

I also have rebooted it several times as well.

I have it on 6 computers and this is the only one that it happens on.

Any ideas?


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There is no need to do any kind of activation of Browser Guard, once the add-on is there its working.

The email thing was/is experinental and only shown to a few which is why you only saw it on one machine, you could/can just ignore it or put junk in it. (TBH I thought they had now stopped, I certainly never saw it myself)

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4 minutes ago, nukecad said:

There is no need to do any kind of activation of Browser Guard, once the add-on is there its working.

The email thing was/is experinental and only shown to a few which is why you only saw it on one machine, you could/can just ignore it or put junk in it. (TBH I thought they had now stopped, I certainly never saw it myself)

Well, thank you very much.

Happy New Year everyone. 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 12/31/2019 at 5:41 PM, nukecad said:

… The email thing was/is experinental and only shown to a few …

It's ongoing – and troublesome, when addition of the extension is not followed by a hint to activate the enabled extension.

False sense of security; trouble.

Please see the multi-issue screen recording at https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/255369-ux-where-only-part-of-a-page-is-visibly-blocked/?do=findComment&comment=1355596

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was disappointed last night when starting with MBG.  I spend time looking for things as exhibited by Malwarebytes that are associated with MBG.

  1. The MBG icon appeared left of my web page, address window, and clicking on it provided no useful information. On new browser windows, sometimes the icon does not appear at all.

  2. There has never been an icon to the right of my web page, address window next to a cog. No cog appears.

  3. Clicking on “tools” on my browser window allowed me to go to a list of extensions where MBG was listed as active with an election to turn it off. Nothing else.
  4. There has never been any supporting information associated with my MBG as exhibited on Malwarebytes as what to expect to see as a result of going to web sites.
  5. There has never appeared any electives as advertised.... settings screen, allow list (white listing resource), permissions.
  6. I think there are a few other expectations I have left out that are not visible.

I can disable MBG but I don't know how to remove it and try again starting with a different link to get started.

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When clicking the Malwarebytes Browser Guard icon in your browser toolbar, you should see the following screen or one similar to it:


There you will find a gear and an item with 3 dots.  Clicking each of these provides access to further functions, including the allow list.

If you wish to uninstall and reinstall it simply remove it from your browser then install it once more from here.

Please let us know how it goes and if you run into any issues.


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The first 2 points that you raise relate to how you have set up your Firefox menus, not to MBG itself.

Most people have their add-on icons on the right of the tool bar like this:


But it's quite easy to move them over to the left if you want to by clicking Firefoxes 'hamburger' icon (the 3 lines), selecting Customise, then dragging the icons about.
Like this, see how I've moved the MBG icon over to the left of the address bar?
(You can move anything on the bar about like that, as well as resizing the boxes, adding or removing things, etc.).


Exile 360 has described how to get to the MBG settings.

Edited by nukecad
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Just want to thank you exile360 with your illustration on your post of what should appear in my next start-up attempt and your (its-all-in-the-wrist),  remove and install advice.  Thank you nukecad for your initiative to contribute clarity and illustrations relating to the distinctions between the Firefox menus and MBG itself. The two of you put the ducks in a row for a newer and better start.  I've had a new start and been surveying and reading what is a big campus on the subject.

....And what a performance Malwarebytes Browser Guard is !  It appears no rock was unturned in putting this education and users' tools together.  The organization and the explanations are laudatory considering the scope of the subject and the wide difference in the depth of experience of users. Congratulations to the leadership, overseers, and talented who worked this project. Thanks exile360, nukecad, and many others "on the street" for being there, helping us users.

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