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Is there a recommended security suite?

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I support mostly home users and small businesses. Most already have some antivirus/firewall software in place when I come into the picture. I try to stick with what they already have, especially if they have spent money on it. Most of my customers are home users and small businesses. In the last week, I have had at least three come to me with malware issues--two of those issues were actually posted in the HiJackThis Log section. I do believe that I have cleaned the infections, but I still wonder as to what is the best way to avoid them in the first place. Most of my users have very little, if any, computer knowledge so I would like to set them up with something that requires little, if any, effort from them to keep malware away.

I have been using a combination of tools to provide anti-virus/spyware/malware even though I prefer to use one tool for all. I have been using the following free tools:

Anti-virus/spyware/malware - Malwarebytes Anti-malware

Real-time Scanning - SUPERAntiSpyware, AVG, Windows Defender

Firewall - Windows Standard firewall, Comodo

I was just wondering if there is a recommended tool suite of choice for providing AV support.

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I can't advise you on what tools to use without seeing a infected log.. Logs are done in the HiJack Forum here, where they have all the tools... If you are a Corporate user? Please email: corporate@malwarebytes.org or you can send a PM to AdvancedSetup one of admins here who is in charge of Corporate dept. Did I answer all your questions? regards...

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Thank you both for your responses. I know it is difficult to give an answer to the best tool for a customer without having seen a log, but I am looking to prevent them from ever having to run a scan and post a log in the first place. I have used a wide variety of tools from Win32KDiag, RootRepeal, MBAM, SAS, HJT, ATF Cleaner, Avenger, ComboFix, GMER, DDS, Security Check, ESET Online, and F-Secure Online plus a few others. I'm just trying to figure out the best answer to give my customers when they ask "What do I need in order to prevent a virus outbreak?" Yardbird and calintexas, I would like to thank you both for your responses. You put me miles ahead of where I was before.

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Your Welcome! Your not in the Corporate area with Malwarebytes? In my post above number # 2... you can get help! Or fill out this form: http://www.malwarebytes.org/corporate.php But you would be better of to contact corporate@malwarebytes.org

If we can ever do anything else -- Please post back anytime.... regards...

EDIT: PM sent to AdvancedSetup

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Thanks for your replies. I sent a note to corporate@malwarebytes.org. If there is something that I can do to become a part of the corporate area, then I am willing to do it. I am also willing to send a PM to another administrator or user, if need be. Please let me know if you need to communicate with me via another forum, PM or personal email.

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Please email: <corporate@malwarebytes.org> or you can send a PM to AdvancedSetup who is in charge of Corporate dept. He will be glad to answer all your questions about anything on this Corporate website: http://www.malwarebytes.org/corporate.php ... and your Welcome for any help... Feel free to post any comments...regards...


I sent a note to corporate@malwarebytes.org
I'm sorry I missed that you did email them! You can discuss anything with the corporate dept. Of course your always welcome here... regards
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  • Root Admin

Hello Zfree and Welcome to Malwarebytes.

Please see the following which may help some with keeping user from getting infected.

So how did I get infected in the first place?

Make sure that ALL MS critical updates are installed

Make sure Anti-Virus gets updated daily and is always running

Consider adding Malwarebytes paid version which has protection modules to help prevent infections and IPs that might be infected or providing infected material.

Please note that you as a Technician should be using a Technicians License in order to use the MBAM product for a cleanup tool on a users PC as it is against the EULA for a business to use the product without proper licensing. You can contact Corporate or visit the online store for details on purchasing a license I believe.


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calintexas : Thanks.

Top Ways to Get Infected:

I am copypasting the points here for Zfree & others.

1. Look for cracks, subdivided in illegal software

2. Browse the web for free porn!

3. Look for software that adds smileys to your posts, mail etc.

4. Look for kewl skins, screensavers, song lyrics, etc.

5. Look for spyware removers, concentrate on the kind that makes you pay before it removes anything

6. Install a P2P program and repeat all of the above

7. Look for pokergames, slotmachines and other gambling outfits

8. Look for ringtones and other stuff to bling your phone

9. Do NOT pay for anything, the internet is a place where you can steal anything from everyone.

10. Click on those unexpected links and attachments in email, because you're the curious type.

11. Close a pop-up/window by clicking the red X.

12. Use social networking sites like Myspace, FaceBook, Twitter, Orkut, etc.

13. Don't clear your browser cache.

14. Open email from people you don't know.

15. Open forwarded email from people you do know.

16. Search for "hot/current" topics.

17. Use public wireless networks without running any sort of software firewall-

and without limiting the type of connection to Public.

18. Having Autorun enabled ( sharing flash drives with other computers.)

19. Don't signout after working in public/shared computers.

20. Never bother to update security/OS softs.

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