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@Maja_, yes you would have to have Malwarebytes installed before running the steps that @exile360 mentioned in post #34.

We are not aware of any issues or conflicts at this time with EasySettingBox.exe application.

Once we get the logs mentioned they can be reviewed by the team and they can assist you further and figure out what may be going on.

Thanks for being patient and helping us trying to figure out what is going on.

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@exile360 @Firefox So here's the log files. I zipped the folder instead of using the option Send To --> Compressed (zipped) Folder (the second option lasted for ages and eventually did not compress the "Logs" folder). I hope the log files in the zip are ok ....

I reproduced the scenario with Chrome, FYI when you're looking at the logs.


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I noticed in your earlier logs it shows that you are running Kaspersky.  If so, there is a known compatibility issue with the latest versions of Kaspersky and that may be the cause.  You should test by disabling/exiting Kaspersky and seeing if you are able to enable Malware Protection then.  If not, then please try installing the new version of Malwarebytes from here to see if it works properly.

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I've disabled the Kaspersky protection and installed the latest version of MB, but cannot activate my premium. (See screenshot attached)

I get a message: "You've hit your device limit"

(Yes, MB had been uninstalled before I installed the newest version)



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I see, that shouldn't be a problem.  If you haven't done so already, please sign up for an account at My.Malwarebytes.com if you haven't done so already using, if possible, the same email address you used when you originally purchased your license (assuming you still have access to that email address).  You'll find instructions on how to sign up in this support article.  If you have to use a different email, then please refer to the instructions on adding a license to your account manually found in this support article.

Once you've got that set up you should be able to deactivate any lingering old installations from previous Windows installs (it's likely bugged in the system thinking that your old install from your current system is still active even though you uninstalled it).  Instructions on deactivating your license from past installs/other devices can be found in this support article (refer to the information regarding using My.Malwarebytes.com; the easiest way is usually just to use the Deactivate all function that should be listed there and that should reset your license key so that you may activate it again on your system in 4.0).

If you still have trouble and aren't able to reset your key and get it activated because it still says that the license is in use/reached its limit then please contact Malwarebytes Support directly by filling out the form on the bottom of this page and they will assist you.

Also be aware that once you do get it activated you might need to either roll back to version 19 of Kaspersky or disable the Ransomware Protection component in Malwarebytes.  This is the compatibility issue with Kaspersky I was referring to.  It appears to be affecting web browsers and some other applications where they have trouble running when the latest version of Kaspersky is active along with Ransomware Protection in Malwarebytes.

Please let us know how it goes and if there is anything else we might do to assist you.


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@exile360 I uninstalled the Kaspersky completely and installed again the Malwarebytes and oddly enough, I activated my Premium without problems... Everything seems to be functioning alright now...

I had no idea previously whatsoever that Kaspersky together with MB can cause issues.

Thank you for your help.



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21 minutes ago, exile360 said:

Excellent, I'm glad you were able to get them working together.  Yes, the issue with Kaspersky only showed up in their most recent update, build 'e' of the 2020 version, however Malwarebytes' and Kaspersky's developers are working on the issue to find a solution.

Just FYI, I am working with MB and Avira at the moment (no Kaspersky installed), and I can live with that for now.

But I hope the issue will be resolved in the near future.

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