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Malware in Red found on hard drive

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A malware was found when I ran a scan on a Toshiba hard drive that I shared with a family member. After I got it back, I started a scan, because he backed up his files as he is taking care of his glitching computer, because his fan isn't working.

The last time I ran a malware bytes scan before just now is July 14th, which showed the additional hard drive is clean.

Here is the Custom Scan Results, attached, and the view of the top level folders iThreatIdentified07222019f.jpg.53aa797bbc9e172ada0f2ec9057f3dd3.jpgn the storage.

Why does



not show up in the folder view?


Should I quarantine the thing? I am waiting to hear from you.

Edited by longbeachlouise
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The "F:" drive is the " Toshiba hard drive " you indicated you scanned.

The Recycle Bin will be an Icon on your Desktop  Image.jpg.f19febb4378c4ffba472acb71bd453f7.jpg  <=== This shows it has items in the Recycle Bin. 

This shows I have emptied it ==> Image.jpg.4b42e6feac64201b3c9984cc525b9b9c.jpg


Once it is on the Windows Desktop, Right-Click on the Recycle Bin icon and choose "Empty Recycle Bin"


Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and grammar
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Just to recap, I did a custom scan on ONLY the "F:" drive.

The malware showed up as an "F:\$RECYCLE.BIN" file in the results of the scan.

The Toshiba storage device is plugged into the "F:" drive right now, and clicking Empty Recycle Bin on my desktop doesn't generate a click. The option is not clickable!

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No.  It is best to leave as-is. As noted it is a special OS construct.  If the Recycle Bin shows empty, perhaps MBAM has already moved the item into Quarantine.  If you still have that report, go ahead and choose "Quarantine Selected".


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