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Bad lagging on 2 games


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@ Exile 360

It would not let me fully delete drivers - So I just went back as far as I could and then updated it to the latest - (said I could not run without any driver) -

Will go back later and check a few others even though I did it last week -

You will find a lot of "stuff" if I got the file right - :rolleyes:

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Sorry mate - Family came round for grub - Was threatened - :lol:

No problem, family first :P .

Now lets get to speeding things up :rolleyes: :

Open Autoruns.exe and uncheck the following entries:


  • Adobe Reader Speed Launcher
  • CanonSolutionMenu
  • iTunesHelper Only uncheck this item if you don't use an iPod with your PC
  • Quick Time Task


  • Messenger (Yahoo!) If you like having it run at startup then leave this entry alone
  • swg

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects

Disabling these won't disable Java, but it will make your browser load faster

  • Java™ Plug-In 2 SSV Helper
  • JQSIEStartDetectorlmpl Class

Once you finish unchecking those, I want you to right-click the following entries and select Delete:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions

Note: Only delete these if you no longer have ieSpell installed.

  • ieSpell
  • ieSpell Options

Task Scheduler

  • ParetoLogic Registration.job
  • Schedule Task Weekly.job

Once you're finished you may close Autoruns.

Now please disable a service:

  • Click Start and select Run
  • In the Run box type services.msc and press Enter
  • Once the Services manager opens scroll down the list until you come to JavaQuckStarterService and double click on it
  • Click the drop down menu next to Startup Type and select Disabled and click Apply

Once you're done with all of that reboot your computer and let me know how it's running. Try Bejeweled again and see if it's any better now.

Thanks ;) .

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Hello again :) .

Sorry for the delay, I was preoccupied for a bit with work etc.

I don't think it's an issue with an autostart entry causing the problem. Did you install the latest DirectX from the link I posted earlier yet? If not, then please do so now and post back to let me know how it went.

You could also try uninstalling Speedbit as it may effect how smooth Flash based content runs on your system. Try it if the DirectX update has no effect and post back with the results.

I also noticed you never disabled the Java Quick Starter service as instructed, please do so following the instructions in post #34.

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It looks like the real catch here is the video chip. It's pretty old and only allows you to share up to 64MB of ram with it to use for video. I'd hoped the need for any sort of upgrade could be avoided because it costs money. I could be wrong of course, but as far as I can tell it seems to be the limitation of your hardware. If possible, and if it's worth it for what you use the computer for and the length of time you plan to keep using it without replacing it, you might consider upgrading to an AGP video card if your ASUS board has an AGP slot. If it doesn't, then you could get a PCI video card (not PCIE as a board that old won't support it) which would be better than what you have, but not as good as an AGP card.

Here's a decent card for not too much money if you're interested in that option: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130452 . I suspect for this particular usage (ie Bejeweled 2 etc) that upgrading the video card would have a bigger impact on performance than upgrading the ram in your system.

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Thank You -

I just clicked the site and will check on Australian availability -

Also need to go into town, but doubt they will match it - Only save couple of dallars on freight if they have it -

P.S. - Rechecked D/ X and think I did follow your instructions -

Will leave this thread till I get updates now -

Thanks again -

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