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Full scan with MBAM

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I've just run a full scan with MBAM (free version), as opposed to the usual quick scan. It was nice and clean, thankfully. I usually do a quick scan each day, which I believe will pick up 99% of what MBAM scans for anyway?

Roughly how often would you recommend I do a MBAM full scan if I'm doing daily quick scans?

Thanks. :unsure:

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I never even bother with the full scan honestly unless I suspect something may be in an odd location, such as a secondary drive or a flash drive, even then, I leave it up to my AV to detect that. Should such an infection become active it would certainly execute in memory (which MBAM's quick scan would detect) and drop files and registry entries in the primary drive containing the OS (usually C:), in the locations where MBAM already looks with the Quick Scan.

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