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noknojon can't log in


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Hi all -

I have just created a new account here as notonjon since I have problems with logging in as noknojon (my normal account name) -

Exile360 sent me to Tracert and ping which I have used and seem to have no problems accessing Malwarebytes or any other company I tried -

If anybody has any other ideas why I can't log in can you please help me - Thanks (noknojon) -

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Hi again -

I have run C Cleaner 3 times / Updated and run MBAM / Updated and run S A S / Updated and run Spybot -

There still seems to be a problem at the login page - It shows noknojon and my password without me entering any information - :huh:

I found HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Enum\Root\Legacy_WinVd32

and HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Services\WinVd32 with S A S in Registry keys

and C:\Windows\System32\WinVd32.sys in Files also S A S - These were quarantined but have made no change to operations of login problems - :lol:

MBAM scan earlier showed nothing ?? -

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  • Root Admin

Well you need to delete your cookie for the site as it's remembering your information and you don't want it to.

Start IE and go to Tools/Internet Options/Advanced and click on the RESET button.

Go to Tools/Internet Options/General and under Browsing History delete EVERYTHING

In Firefox go to Tools, Options, Privacy and make sure privacy is set to clear remembered stuff.

If you're still unable to logon with the old name and password then you should be able to request a new password from the logon screen I would assume.

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Did it to both browsers - :lol: As you can see it is still not allowing noknojon to log in -

This name and the new password I am using still allows me in - I am now back to IE 8 -

The MBAM forum login screen must automatically recognise my computer but I can still write over the name with this one - :huh:

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On a Longshot with IE8, I had problems logging into two banks, with my old password & login name. I went to Tools and dropped down to Compatibility View Settings where it says add website put in:



you may need only one site, try it if you didn't..... I've only been using IE8 for a couple of months.

but the above did fix my old login & password problems with on-line banking... Please report back & let us know?

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Reset IE 8 to default and set changes - Still will not allow (as you can see) -

First started a few days (3?) ago (exile 360 copped the blame) in the Avira anti virus discussion -

Logged on after 3 hours of same sort of problem - Logged on 2 days ago ? early morning, to help someone with browser and CPU problem, and logged out for 1 hour to check on something, and that was the last time -

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  • Root Admin

Just log out of the board with current name. Then close the browser. Then come back and it should have a logon. Then put in the other name and password you think it is. Then when/if it fails it should give you other options to reset or send the password to your email.

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