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Folder opening delay

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Im seeing a slight, but noticable, delay on opening folders. It feels like around a ~100ms delay, it's not much granted, but it's enough to make windows explorer feel slightly sluggish and to be honest this should not happen with a program like Malwarebytes in my opinion. Upon quitting Malwarebytes the folders clearly again opens without the delay.

I should mention that the delay feels exactly the same on my HDD as it does on my SSD, opening folders on my SSD when Malwarebytes is active has the same delay. Also another thing I noticed is that folders that I have set as excluded has the exact same delay, which is surprising I think.

What is causing this? And more importantly: how to fix it?

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2 hours ago, jayman1000 said:


Since my pc's usernames are also included in the log I want to ask you, before I upload the log, if publicly exposing my windows username pose any security risk?


There is really no security risk. Aside from your user name your using there is no personal information in the log files.

If you prefer you can PM the logs to @dcollins and he can review them offline.

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I should mention that I also have 360 Total Security installed (as the scan files probably will tell) but I have tried uninstalling that previously, but it makes no difference, folders still have delay opening them when MB is active (and no delay when MB is closed).

Edited by jayman1000
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