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Memory analysis during personal scanning is too slow

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With version 3.1, the full custom scan took about 19 minutes.
From version 3.2, full custom scanning, with the same data on the SSD, takes about 50 minutes, of which 25 or more only for memory.

Regarding the scanning of harmful elements in the new version has been improved and lasts about 10 minutes.

We talk about an ssd containing about 30 Gb of data (including Microsoft Windows 10 (build 16299.19) and various applications including Microsoft Office 2016).

The situation is equal to both an i7 and an i3 both with 8Gb Ram and the same volume of data (on i7 there is no Office 2016)

Thank you

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Attach the mb-check-results.zip of the i3 processor computer that is the one that has office 2016; if you solve the problem then I will apply the instructions I provide on the other computer and eventually will post the same attachment of that pc in the future if the optimization does not succeed for the second pc.
thank you


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There is a required service called BFE that is not running on your machine. This fix from Microsoft should fix the BFE service. Please run the fix and then run mb check again and post the zip file.



Required Dependencies:

Type:                   N/A
WIN32_EXIT_CODE:        N/A
CHECKPOINT:             N/A
WAIT_HINT:              N/A



Edited by Porthos
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I downloaded and launched the recommended tool.
Regarding the five issues he considers, no one is detected: for all the result is "not present"
I attach the new mb-check-result.zip file created after launching the indicated tool

I also attach image results tool

In the meantime I try to scan again  (I'll let you know the timing results) and if you have any other ideas I like it ...
thank you



Edited by MAXBAR1
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If you turn off rootkit scanning, does that make a difference?

Would you also be willing to re-install 3.1.2 and run a scan and report the logs? If so, please do the following so we can get as much information as possible.

  1. With 3.2.2 installed, go to Settings -> Application
  2. Turn on the Event Log Data option
  3. Run the scan that takes a long time
  4. Download and run mb-check from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3_check
    • This should create a zip file on your desktop named mb-check-results.zip
  5. Rename the zip file on your desktop so it's easily identifiable
  6. Go to Settings -> My Account and make a note of your product key
  7. Click Deactivate installation
  8. Uninstall Malwarebytes
  9. Download and install Malwarebytes 3.1.2 from https://malwarebytes.app.box.com/s/4mwlmtxortkcs8237nfp1pl8d1723y49
  10. Activate Malwarebytes 3.1.2 with your key from step 6
  11. Go to Settings -> Application
  12. Turn on the Event Log Data option
  13. Run the same scan you ran in step 3
  14. Run mb-check again
    • This should create a zip file on your desktop named mb-check-results.zip
  15. Rename the zip file on your desktop so it's easily identifiable
  16. Attach both zip files to your reply

Once done, you can install 3.2.2 again if you'd like. You should be able to install it directly on top of your current installation. The download link is https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3

I realize it's a lot of steps, but understanding the differences between your two scans should help us see what's going on.

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attach the two mb-check files

The performance are 50 minutes with 3.2.2 and 38 minutes with 3.1.2

the performance of 3.1.2 has worsened with the latest update of windows 10, previously it was 18 minutes with 3.1.2 of malwarebytes

mb-check-results 3.1.2.zip

mb-check-results 3.2.2.zip

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