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Unable to Open FRST.exe (Blocked by Windows Defender Smart Screen)

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I am trying to run the FRST.exe file in order to get help with the "Protection Layer Off" issue that has been around awhile.  I have downloaded the FRST.exe file but when trying to run it, I get a message, " Windows Defender Smart Screen Has Protected your PC".  WD will not let FRST.exe run.  There is no option to bypass this and "Run Anyway" (See attachment).  Additionally, I have Windows Defender turned off in Services & Startup so I'm confused as to why WD is interfering.

A web search says I should go to Control Panel - System & Maintenance and change Smart Screen settings.  However, there is no such option in Control Panel - System & Security (see attachment).

How can I find the settings to turn Smart Screen off so I can run FRST.exe?

WD Message.JPG

Control Panel.JPG

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