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OK, I updated to this latest version on my Windows 10 machine and now Chrome and Firefox and Adobe Reader have stopped working and will only work if I turn Anti-Exploit protection OFF for each of those apps.

I deactivated,  uninstalled, ran MB-clean, with reboots in between all step,  reinstalled and reactivated and still having the same problem.  

I was asked to start a new topic and include all of these logs that I attached.

Please advise.








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Hopefully you are holding off the 1.0.96 auto update until this is fixed.

I am going to get hundreds of calls for support from my customers who I have pushed to install MBAM.

I appreciate how hard it is to do what you guys do with everything changing all the time but how can an issue like this get through quality control that affects Chrome, Firefox, and Adobe Reader and those are only the ones I know about.

What else can I do to help ??

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The other important thing to note about this issue is either Symantec Endpoint Protection or other Norton Products installed at the same time seems to add.

I have multiple computers with the same issue and we have SEP 14.1 MP1, SEP 12.1.6 MP5, Norton 360 etc... 

If I uninstall SEP it clears up the issue in some cases but not all and of course Windows defender does not come back online either at is sees MalwareBytes as the current AV, I uninstalled that as well and Defender still did not come online, I also tweaked malware byte to NOT register with Action Center when I re-installed MBAM and Defender still would not come online so I put SEP back on so I would have something and turned back of Anti-Exploit for the 3 apps. 

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I am just reporting this as I've not seen anyone else report that they are not having a problem.  I am using the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox and MB3 CU4 and I'm not having any problems... at least so far.

I should also mention that I use Norton Security and I have not had to turn off anti-exploit in either Norton or MB3.

Edited by BillH99999
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