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I cannot uninstall or delete malwarebytes 3

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Malwarebytes updated to version 3, and it worked for a few days. Then i started getting a error message that said it was unable to connect to the service. I've tried uninstalling, but the uninstaller is unable to start. I could not find the chameleon mode files in the program file, so I downloaded chameleon, but it is unable to proceed past initialization. I tried deleting the folders, but they are locked even though I'm the administrator. I then tried to delete with Revo uninstaller, but that didn't work either.

I'm running a PC with Windows 10 Pro, all updates are installed. I ran my virus scan, and several online malware scanners and virus scans with no luck.

Any ideas on whats going on?




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That seemed to work. I ran the removal program and restarted, the empty folders were still in the programs folder. I deleted them and restarted, everything is gone now.

I attached the text file left by the removal program in case you need/want it.

Do you know what would cause this issue? And how to prevent it in the future?





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That's a much better result. Re: 

15 hours ago, rmowrey said:

Then i started getting a error message that said it was unable to connect to the service

Are you using F-Secure or Spectrum (Charter) Security Suite?  If so you must whitelist the MBAM Program Files ( or Program Files (x86)) folder among the virus scanning exclusions. See this post:

When reinstalling use the latest CU4 version...

Hope this helps!

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1 hour ago, rmowrey said:


I just excluded C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\ right now, and that seems to have fixed it.

Yes! This is the exclusion that keeps F-Secure from blocking MBAM connections. Glad you have it fixed. No other exclusions are required.

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