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Someone subscribing me to websites


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I am being inundated with spam mail from some very dodgy sites, I am worried to click unsubscribe in case It is a false link. It seems to be messing my machine up at times, with outlook taking a long time to 'subcribe' my spam folder and some problems with my network adapter. I've got around it by asking outlook to delete anything that it thinks is spam but of course this is not good because valid emails can be deleted,

I am secretary of a club with a particular hobby and a very powerful member was very upset with me, for embarrassing him by highlighting some unethical practices. The spam has only started flooding in since then. I am pretty certain he is responsible for it. Anyone got any suggestions please if there is a method where I can identify who has subscribed me to get these emails


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Hi albear :)

Sadly, I doubt that kind of method exists. For instance, a lot of websites will asks you to provide an email address to access a download (Fiddler does it). So I could enter anyone's email address in order to access the download. Who would know I entered their address? No one. It's not possible to identify me with that. There are special services that scrubs your email account, list all the newsletter, websites, etc. you are subscribed to and allow you to unsubscribe in one click. I've been using Unroll.Me before to clean up my own email address, and it worked out pretty well. You could give it a try.


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  • 1 month later...

Found this topic on accident (thanks to @Manojprabhakar's reply above), and it might help me as well.

My case is much easier, and yet harder, to discern.  I have a GMail account, and someone in India has one that is similar, but he does not know it correctly.  He keeps using my email address with periods (.) in it - which Google strips out.  See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/10313?hl=en

As a result, I keep getting his mail.  Things like his phone bill, his job searches, his study guides, etc.  Every subscription he has made in the last 4-5 years.  He has also attempted to have PWs changed on my legitimate accounts, like my FB, G+, etc. accounts.  After the very first time It happened, I quickly became a proponent of Two Factor Authentication for all my accounts.

Thanks, @Aura, for unroll.me - I'll definitely take a look at it and see if I can get it working for me as well.

Edited by John L. Galt
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  • 9 months later...

Hi Aura (and any other helpers)

unroll.com sounds like something I could use on my email inbox; however, it keeps promptly giving me an error claiming I'm using an invalid password or email address.  I know that's not true, but mail.twc.com runs very slowly and I think is actually timing out.  Anyway to adjust unroll's error?

TIA for all help!

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You might want to read these (there are plenty more) before using unroll.me, it has recently been discovered that they are trawling your inbox and selling information mined from it.




I'm not saying that you shouldn't use it, but be aware that you agree to this in their EUL (small print which nobody reads anyway).

Edited by nukecad
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