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[RESOLVED] Logo image in the signature?

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  • Root Admin

Not at this time. In general that feature may or may not be enabled. It has not been enabled for regular users here since the forum began as it really bogs down a forum having to watch hundreds of logo images. Without such images the pages load and scroll much faster. The only reason Staff uses them is to ensure users know who is really helping them and if they are employees of Malwarebytes. I didn't use one myself for years as I saw no need for it, management asked that all Staff use them.

Thank you


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22 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Not at this time. In general that feature may or may not be enabled. It has not been enabled for regular users here since the forum began as it really bogs down a forum having to watch hundreds of logo images. Without such images the pages load and scroll much faster. The only reason Staff uses them is to ensure users know who is really helping them and if they are employees of Malwarebytes. I didn't use one myself for years as I saw no need for it, management asked that all Staff use them.

Thank you



I understand that so the regular user can only to use the text ?

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  • celee changed the title to [RESOLVED] Logo image in the signature?

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