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MBAM on XP x64

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I'm trying to help someone who needs a computer that will get her through about the next 3 years.  She is a Windows user and technophobe.  I do not know at this point what flavor Windows she is using, but it is old.  I do not know what she's got for hardware, but it is old.  The reason I don't know these things is that she was not able to tell me when we spoke -- she didn't know.  

I am suggesting to her that we put her on an XP system that is available and is reasonably well configured.  It's running x64.  My intention was to lock her in on XP and have her buy MBAM.  But there are a couple of potential issues.  

I have read that there are issues with MBAM on XP x64 systems.  What I think I gleaned (from some very old posts in other places) is that both the free version and the paid version will run, but that some features are lost with the paid version (malicious website blocking?).  


Question 1: Is the paid version worth the money on an x64 system?

Question 2: Is there any way to predict how much longer MBAM will be available and supported for XP?

Thanks in advance  for helping a newbie!





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3 hours ago, Paul_M said:

She is a Windows user and technophobe

Even so why would you lock here into a unsupported OS that many programs will not work on? If you are going to lock her in to anything at least Win 7. (supported till 2020)

If cost is also a factor, You can get refurbs on New Egg for less than $200

Example $122.99

ThinkCentre Desktop Computer M58P Core 2 Duo E8400 (3.00 GHz) 4 GB DDR3 320 GB HDD Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit


Edited by Porthos
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1 hour ago, Paul_M said:

What I think I gleaned (from some very old posts in other places) is that both the free version and the paid version will run, but that some features are lost with the paid version (malicious website blocking?).  

What you read is true.

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Hi, @Paul_M:

Yes, unfortunately, XP x64 was never supported by MBAM (tech specs are at the bottom of the page HERE), and never really was fully supported by M$, either.
(IIRC the program would run on that platform, but many important features did not work.)

Alas, as already pointed out, it's moot, as XP (x86 or x64) has been fully EOL for years.:(

As just another home user (not a geek and not a Malwarebytes employee), I agree with the others that your best service to your client would be to install a supported version of Windows.  If cost for Windows is an issue, then there's always Linux.


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Thanks to all who have responded.  I apologize for not leading with a standard disclaimer: "Please do not bother telling me what a bad idea this, or how  stupid I am, nor bother attempting to tell me what I need." 

In truth, I have considered Linux.  It's what I use on the system at work from whence I made the original post, and also on this system at home.  I'm also using virtual XP under Linux on a couple of boxes, and virtual Vista on one.  That enables me to use some 'legacy' applications and products that are important.  Virtual XP under Ubuntu is an option for this situation.  I have some fear, though, that if I go that way, I'll be getting calls at an astounding rate.  And nobody tell me about setting boundaries with clients unless you have first-hand experience of supporting nuns and ex-nuns.  It puts me in mind of Lilies of the Field... 

I'm really disappointed that this is not falling into place as easily and readily as I had expected, but a solution will precipitate out of the soup. 

Thanks again,




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Alas, as time passes, XP (x86 or x64) will become more and more problematic.

Malwarebytes is one of the few security software vendors still supporting that OS in either flavor.  Many of the AVs have already dropped support for XP.   That trend will continue.
Only the Malwarebytes product teams would be able to tell us how long support for 32-bit XP will continue.

The other issues will be peripherals and the drivers for those devices, as well as limited means to fully prepare for and recover from a major mishap.

But anyway, good luck with your quest.


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