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MBAM SysTray Icon Grey

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Today, I noticed the MBAM system tray icon is greyed out.  I also have MBAE;  it is showing normal.

I checked MBAM status (dashboard) and settings, to make sure everything was okay.  I then ran update, and everything appears normal.  I ran Hyper Scan, with everything reporting okay.  Kaspersky Total Security reports no issues.  Finally, I forced a shutdown and cold restart of the system.  The SysTray icon continues to be greyed out.

In case I missed something, I attach screenshots of:  System Tray, MBAM Dashboard, MBAM Advanced Settings, MBAM Detection Settings.  I also attach copies of the above mentioned scan log, as well as the current Protection Log.

I believe MBAM to be current.  System is Surface Pro 3, Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit, fully updated as required/recommended by MSFT.

TIA, cps


MBAM Advanced Settings - 2Apr2016.jpg

MBAM Dashboard - 2Apr2016.jpg

MBAM Detection Settings - 2Apr2016.jpg

MBAM SysTray Icon Grey.jpg

MBAM Protection Log.txt

MBAM Scan Log.txt

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Good eye, Porthos, and thanks for the heads up.  Color me embarrassed!  Although, in my defense, I think I'm somewhat a victim of the limited color selection/intensity for the task bar/system tray in Windows 10, like there was in previous versions of Windows (7, 8).  The result is the MBAM icon in the system tray being hard to discern (but, definitely not greyed out).

Let's close this issue.


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In addition to @Porthos's expert advice, yes, that is the new logo, as mentioned here


Updated company and product logos with new logo

One other thing -- your scan log is from a Hyper Scan.

For the record, the default and recommended MBAM Consumer scan type is the Threat Scan. It looks in all the places live malware is likely to hide.  If anything is found on a Hyper scan, a follow-up Threat or full, custom scan will be needed.  IOW, we don't suggest routine use of the Hyper scan.

More info about v2.2.1 HERE
Version 2.2.1 Release History HERE
User Guide ONLINE
User Guide PDF
FAQ: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions


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Thanks daledoc1.  I don't normally use Hyper Scan, but did this once to see if a "quick" scan would change the MBAM icon, afterwards.  At the time, and mistakenly as Porthos pointed out, I thought the icon was trying to indicate an issue.  I regularly use Threat Scan, so no worries there.

I'm already using the most current MBAM Version (V2.2.1.1043).


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Yes, I could see from your excellent screen shots that you are running

The links I provided are merely informational, with the top 2 in the list providing the "changelog" and other information accompanying the new program version.

I'm glad your issue is resolved.


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4 hours ago, Irhere said:

The tray icon for the current MBAM is very faded compared to previous version icon. It could use some brightening up so as to be more visible.

Just my 2 cents,

Thank you,

Many of us agree with you. ;)
The older icon was more attractive, more refined, and more easily seen on a variety of desktop backgrounds.

However, your suggestion may be more likely to catch the eye of the Devs and Product Team HERE, in the Comments and Suggestions section.
And you might want to keep an eye here in the forum, as user surveys and feedback polls appear from time to time.


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