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Office Click To Run detected


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The screen shot provided happened the other day.  I have had Office 2016 installed since Nov, 2015 so it was installed prior to Anti-Ransomware.  I had Anti-Ransomware running for several weeks with no issues then this was detected.  the program stated that it was quarantined and I thought nothing of it.  Then I started getting Office errors "Office is Busy - We're sorry, <program>.exe can't be used right now because Office is busy. We're either updating or helping you add or remove some programs. You can try using <program>.exe again after we're done. It shouldn't take long".  Just reinstalled Office and will see how it goes.  For now all is good.  


Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip

Ransomware Detection I.PNG

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Hello @cpatrick08 and :welcome:

It is disappointing to read your testing system is having MBARW Beta issues but each computer is unique. Problems that seem "the same" frequently are not.

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Thank you always for your patience and understanding.

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  • 4 months later...


Same problem here although after it was reported it didn't affected the Office 2016 365 installation.

The MalwareBytes had been running for weeks without any changes to the Office products so not sure why all of a sudden it considered it a threat. There was nothing listed under MalwareBytes quarantined tab and all Office products worked as normal.

Screen Shot 07-31-16 at 09.32 PM.PNG

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