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MBARW screwed up MS Office apps


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I just installed MBARW yesterday. Today I was working on a 40+ page Word document and all of a sudden MS Word and my document disappeared. Then a MBARW popup came up and said that WinWord.exe was quarantined and I needed to reboot to complete the action. I couldn't restore WinWord because MBARW said that an item can't be restored that has been marked for deletion on reboot. MBARW is a nice idea, but I think it needs some work before it goes public.

Edited by gonzo
Changed MBAR to MBARW to keep indexing organized
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Adding a comment here for clarity.  I edited the above post (as I mentioned in the post) because MBAR is Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit.  This post is about Anti-Ransomware, which is using the MBARW acronym.  Yes, it will create a bit of confusion.  No meaning was lost in post, and searches for MBAR-related posts will not bring up this post by accident.

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I just installed MBARW yesterday. Today I was working on a 40+ page Word document and all of a sudden MS Word and my document disappeared. Then a MBARW popup came up and said that WinWord.exe was quarantined and I needed to reboot to complete the action. I couldn't restore WinWord because MBARW said that an item can't be restored that has been marked for deletion on reboot. MBARW is a nice idea, but I think it needs some work before it goes public.


What you have experienced is unfortunate. Loosing work is always stressful.

I always recommend to folks that installing and running 'any beta' software on a Production Machine is never a good idea. :)

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