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So, Why Am I asking this question.

First I am at fault for having too many pages open.

This could be 30 to 60.


Well, they are there so I can go back to them. But to be honest, a lot of them I don't go back. 

I guess it's the same as hoarding old magazines. Oh, I'll read that magazine. 10 years later, the

magazine still hasn't been read. :)

I use the firefox offshoot (if that's the right word) pale moon as my default browser. It's supposed 

to be faster than firefox. I'm not convinced.

I also use the addon Pocket, to save items. But I've only on the rare occasssion checked an item, I saved.

Anyway, leaving that aside, earler today, web pages were loading very slowly. ie minutes before a page would load.

So I wondered if it was do with memory, or speed, or something else?


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Short answer: many, many, many hardware and software and website factors.
These include:
Windows OS version and architecture
Video card
Website content (especially videos)
Browser settings (especially hardware acceleration and others)

Browser extensions and plug-ins
# tabs opened
Security applications running in realtime
Other software running in realtime
And on and on and on and on.


Here are a few resources -- they are for Firefox, but the same principles would apply to Pale Moon:




>>We could better assist you with more specific advice, if we knew a bit more about your system.
>>Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)


Thank you,

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Thanks for the logs.


Yes, you are and/or recently have been infected.


Other performance issues: running 64-bit Win7 with only 2 GB of RAM (suggest adding RAM, if your motherboard will support it).

And some other stuff, such as outdated AV software, which cannot be addressed here in this particular forum section.

EDIT: You're also out of space on your hard drive.  You'll need to free up space or upgrade to a larger drive.


I suggest heading over to the malware removal section for some expert, free help with cleanup and repair.

You just need to read this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.

Then, I suggest that you please start a new, separate post in the malware removal section, attaching the same logs to that new post.

A malware expert will assist you.


>>>> Before you do, however, you'll need to remove and uninstall from the system ALL cracked/pirated/illegal materials/videos/software that appear in your logs.  Otherwise, no further help can be provided, per the Piracy Policy.

(Your helper will likely request a fresh set of diagnostic logs AFTER you remove the illegal content.)



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