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Hello theapple00 and :welcome:

You will likely learn the answer/origins to your issue if you follow the recommendation below:

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also Copy and Paste (not attach) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic. Please do not tick, nor untick, any FRST categories as they are pre-configured by Farbar.

Thank you. :)

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Actually, the OP already has *2* open, working topics in the malware removal section with 2 different helpers:






Please do NOT open any new topics in the malware removal section.


The forum moderator team will more than likely close one of the two open threads (or merge them), as it will lead to confusion and duplicated effort to work in 2 places at once.


Thank you,

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