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Nuclear Option


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What way is there to completely wipe out my computer and reinstall (nuclear option)?  I don't think I have the original CD.  I am not opposed to completely turning my HP laptop PC into a chrome based system.  I just need some direction as to how to do it all, which will also delete all the bloatware and possible viruses.  Easier the better.



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  • Root Admin

Certainly up to you but I would not recommend Chrome OS at this time. Too new and not enough support really.

Ask LH: Should I Install Chrome OS On My Old PCs?

Here is a link to other possibilities. Though for most people that are not Techno Weenies then Windows really is the best option and most supported for hardware, software, and support via paid, free, or public.

My choice would be Linux if you're not going to go with Windows.
10 Alternative PC Operating Systems You Can Install

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a heads up on one of those "alternative" OSes ...

the REACT OS has quite a way to go (in my opinion) before it is a real contender .

while the target of development was to make it compatible with widows based/written programs (think load-n-go) , it currently falls quite short of this mark .

some programs written for windows can be run under WINE and "play on linux" (POL) ...

but unless the *stuff* required to make it run has been performed by someone else and shows on a list of "yep , we did that" programs , one is faced with a task not recommended for "entry level" users .


WINE and POL are available to install on/in most linux based OSes .


here is a list of popular linux/BSD OSes :


at the top of the list are mint and ubuntu ... with mint having a substantial lead , as it has for almost three years (personal observation) .

the MATE version of any linux based OS utilizes a "classic" styled and (most importantly) fully functional desktop/GUI that was not designed by fisher-price .

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To answer the question, when comparing myself to people who are active on this forum, Id be a newbie.  So I assume a nuclear option is not available.  Its my Christmas wish that someone takes this up as I think many people would just be willing to start fresh with the computer.  I have all my photos and files in the cloud that I access and any real files on a USB or SD card.

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hmmm ...


the nuke option is always available ... the decision to use it is akin to the guy with his finger on the button ready to launch those nuke missiles



there is a way to re-load the original OS if you have the *real* coa key ... this is usually located on the bottom or inside of the battery compartment of a laptop .

however ... to the best of my knowledge the method i am referencing is not endorsed by these forums .

(ron , could you weigh in on this ?)


as you are a "newbie" ...

re-installation of an OS does have it's rough spots and can be very difficult .

downloading all of the required drivers from the manufacturer of the machine and such items as the chipset drivers from the manufacturer of the motherboard and cpu manufacturer can turn into a headache .

personally speaking , it is not a task to be undertaken except as a last resort .

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I think it should be built into every computer to just start fresh from factory or even better to start from non-bloat ware.  MrC of your forums has actually walked me through getting rid of a Powelik Trojan.


When going through it all I did discover that under Control Panel/Recovery/Advanced Recovery Methods there is an option on my HP laptop to "Return your computer to factory condition."  I don't know if I need the disk for this as it doesn't say, so to me that implies it does not.  I am not sure on if it would install the Windows though since it says factory condition.


I guess what I should have done was upon turning on the laptop the first time, I should have created a disk image and saved it for just such times.  I really don't mind reinstalling things like Java and Flash, as everything I normally have is on the web which is probably most people.  I have another older laptop that I may just try to wipe it all out in case someone has direction on how to do it.  This wont cause me any harm because its just a cup holder right now.  The main issue with that laptop was the wifi button (was a switch) is stuck in the off or something on the motherboard so I had to use a USB dongle or plug directly in.

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