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Malwarebytes crash

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In IE I was logged in to my secure bank site, clicked on a link to go to an associated web site, MBAM crashes.

- then able to navigate to the associated site.

- restarted MBAM, attempted to navigate to associated site, received IE error "This page cannot be displayed" (same thing as in my thread on the help forum)

- exited MBAM, all good

- restarted MBAM, all good

Unable to repeat exact procedure.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: mbam.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 53518532

Fault Module Name: mbam.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 53518532

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 001a2580

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 3081

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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  • Root Admin

Hi John,


Just as a general FYI - in the case of ANY application that crashes one should always restart the computer. Once an application has crashed there is no telling what it may or may not do to other memory locations or potentially even file locations as it is no longer running under it's coded normal control.


I know you're also experiencing an odd, difficult to track down issue on your computer so let me suggest doing a backup and possibly check for network driver updates. Again, after first restarting the computer and maybe even running a disk check for any errors.  CHKDSK C: /F

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Hi John,


Just as a general FYI - in the case of ANY application that crashes one should always restart the computer. Once an application has crashed there is no telling what it may or may not do to other memory locations or potentially even file locations as it is no longer running under it's coded normal control.


I know you're also experiencing an odd, difficult to track down issue on your computer so let me suggest doing a backup and possibly check for network driver updates. Again, after first restarting the computer and maybe even running a disk check for any errors.  CHKDSK C: /F

I will restart after future crashes.

Checked for updated LAN driver - found there was a later version so I have updated that. I have recently done a disk check using Windows disk checker, also Samsung HD diagnostic check - no issues found



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