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Out of Date Database Fails to Update

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After looking at similar issues here, three days ago I used the clean uninstall tool, and reinstalled, Then Activated with licence information, and today it still it complains the database is out of date and still will not allow it to update, either via the 'Update' link or the 'Fix Now' button., Windows 7.


Any ideas please?

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Hello paulcurtis and :welcome:

Even though you have already accomplished a clean re-install, please follow the below instructions once more and provide the requested diagnostic log sets if your issue persists.

Please let us know, in a reply to this thread, if the above steps have helped you with your issue.

Thank You. :)

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Unfortunately the failure has repeated. I suppose I am not entirely surprised, as the clean and install were a precise repeat of what I had done previously, the install being exactly the same software version.


As requested, I have the various .txt files produced by the analysis, and they are attached.


Hope you can help, and thanks for the reply. 







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Right now, yes, but the issue appeared several days after the reinstall last time, so I won't feel confident for a week or so yet. Thanks for your attention Barry. 

I can understand your skepticism. I dealt with the problem for a week before I became irritated enough to dig in and fix the thing or disable/uninstall the software. I had the option to "Ignore Once" so, as an experiment, I immediately rescanned to get same threats detected and then I waited for it to update. When the update failed again, I ignored the threats again (they were minor) and the updates worked again. I put a comment in another thread (https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=148393&hl=) but there has been no response there from anyone. I think getting a reminder with the database out of date warning would be helpful. It seems that this is happening often.

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  • Root Admin

The method you describe should not be how updates are applied Barry. Not sure what the exact cause of failure is here but probably best to scan the system deeper to see if anything can be found that might be contributing to the issue.




I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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Barry, I have read through the link you posted, you are certainly more tenacious than me, I take my hat off to you! I will bear this is mind, and it will be interesting to see if the same applies here. The other way of getting the update to work is to simply exit MBAM and restart it (although in my case it needed Task Manager to kill it). 

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Thanks for the reply Ron. I am hoping the issue has cleared, but if not I will contact support. 


I would urge those who are prepared to assist not to ask users with a problem to uninstall clean, reinstall and then produce the logs and then post back here unless they are prepared to actually look at the stuff. It wastes their time and mine. 

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The method you describe should not be how updates are applied Barry. Not sure what the exact cause of failure is here but probably best to scan the system deeper to see if anything can be found that might be contributing to the issue.




I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


My computer being infected is not the main issue. I can understand how to deal with the detected threats perfectly well.


My issue arose because the database update function is apparently disabled if there are detected threats that haven't been dispositioned. A lack of familiarity with MBAM likely contributed to my issue but there is little documentation (actually I have found no documentation) of this operational condition and I think it isn't at all unreasonable to expect a bit of feedback from the user interface to inform of this constraint. 


After seeing several people complaining of the same condition and at least one person benefiting from my suggestion, I think it is fair to say that my simple solution is more effective than jumping straight into remove, clean, reinstall . . . etc. My philosophy is to look for some simple thing and fix that first. As a former (retired due to health) aerospace engineer and a programmer (both an independent and several years at IBM), K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple and Straightforward) served me well.


In closing, I share one of my most important and useful axioms: If a "solution" to a problem requires many exceptions, then the wrong problem has been solved. I saw many instances of programmers who write convoluted code to fix something because they were approaching the task from a bad perspective. I am speaking in general terms here and nothing I have said should be viewed as a criticism directed at anyone addressing the needs of users here.


Personally, I found MBAM so incredibly useful when it removed a malware threat from my computer that I immediately upgraded to a paid version. Also, I appreciate the effort put forth by every one of the solution providers here even though I may not agree with the modality of the solutions provided.

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  • Root Admin

Thanks for the reply Ron. I am hoping the issue has cleared, but if not I will contact support. 


I would urge those who are prepared to assist not to ask users with a problem to uninstall clean, reinstall and then produce the logs and then post back here unless they are prepared to actually look at the stuff. It wastes their time and mine. 


Actually this specific non update issue is more so a fringe issue and certainly not a main reason. The vast majority of update issues are either infection or user has not restarted their computer in a long time. More often than not the MBAM CLEAN routine will allow the program to install, run, and update and remove infections.

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Actually this specific non update issue is more so a fringe issue and certainly not a main reason. The vast majority of update issues are either infection or user has not restarted their computer in a long time. More often than not the MBAM CLEAN routine will allow the program to install, run, and update and remove infections.

Not to put words in paulcurtis' mouth, our time spent trying to figure out an undocumented "feature" is important to us. It can be vexing to say the least to get what appears to be boilerplate advice to do a couple of hours of work removing, cleaning and reinstalling when it is not necessary. Now, when a user has the same problem, you can offer this tidbit:


Make sure any "Detected Threats" are dispositioned on the "Scan" page of the interface then check to see if you can update. Unresolved threats disable database updates.


Short and sweet. Maybe it works and maybe not. In any event, the effort by either stakeholder would be small in relation to the potential payoff.


Over time, the boffins in the shop can fix up the logic in the interface to inform of this conditional restraint on the functionality of the program. That is really the correct way, ultimately, to handle this situation because it unburdens the user but mainly it will reduce the load on the support staff by removing, forever in the future, this "fringe issue" that seems to be popping up quite a bit lately. However, I agree that most issues raised seem to be more complex.

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  • Root Admin

I don't disagree that it might help some users. Why they have an entry for an infection they've not answered though I'm not sure and that is odd. We have millions of users and obviously compared to millions not that many posts about update issues. There are many reasons and though you may see it as "boiler plate" the boiler plate reply helps many more users than this fringe issue by far but if the numbers continue to grow we may add it to the boiler plate replies. I also don't have an issue with you posting such information on a "new" topic but dragging up old topics to reply to is considered trolling on any forum and leads to getting posting rights removed.  If you wish to post such advise I'd also recommend using a different word than "dispositioned" as it really is an odd word and itself probably doesn't mean anything to most users as it's not a good descriptive word for this issue.


Thank you again

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Hi Paulcurtis,

In that case, I can take a look at a report and see.
This tool will collect some information on the installation of Malwarebytes and create a report I would like to review:
You already have the mbam-check.exe

On Vista/Windows 7, 8, Right-click on mbam-check.exe & select Run as Administrator & allow to Run.
On XP,Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it.
It should then open a log file CheckResults.txt
You should attach the CheckResults.txt file located on your desktop so that I can review.

also kindly get for me the last 2 ( most recent) protection logs:
from this folder
C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Logs

kindly attach


Then I can look them over.


The Programdata (folder) location is normally hidden in Windows so you will need to be able to see hidden files and folders.

See here if you need instructions





Also, do these suggested settings for the scheduled tasks in Scheduler:

{ this is just a good practice and not meant as any fix }


Take a look inside the program. Start the Anti-Malware. Click on the Settings icon at the top bar up at top.
Then click the **Advanced Settings** button at the left.
Be sure all top 3 lines on that window are check-marked ( selected ).

Now a couple of changes for each of the Update task & the Threat scan task in the Scheduler.
Click on **Automated Scheduling** button.

Locate and click once on **Check for Updates** line and press Edit. Then press the Advanced button at bottom left.
Slide the window up so you can see all of it. {press the mouse on the very top bar and slide UP }
Look at the "starting time" of the task and use some good time when you know that your computer will be on & powered & that Windows would be on at that time.
Look at the line in Schedule Options. UN-check "Show notification after successful update".

In the Frequency and Settings. Select Hourly and I suggest using the Recurrence at 4 hours.
In the Recovery Options put a check-mark on "Recover missed tasks" and select 1 hour
When done, press the OK button.

Locate and click once on the Threat Scan line and press Edit.Then press the Advanced button at bottom left.
Slide the window up so you can see all of it. {press the mouse on the very top bar and slide UP }

In the Schedule Options, put a check-mark on the line Terminate program when no threats are found
{when no malwares are detected you want the scheduled task to close}.

In the Frequency and Settings block.
You should have Daily and the recurrence set to 1 day.
now UN-check the line Check for updates before scanning {{that line should be always off otherwise the task may not run at the time set. It maybe run +/- 15 minutes of that period.}

In the Recovery Options put a check-mark on "Recover missed tasks" and select 1 hour
When done, press the OK button.

When completely done, close the window.

A fresh Windows start would be good to do at this point. Use Logoff and Restart Windows.

Monitor your system over the next day or two and let me know how it goes.

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I don't disagree that it might help some users. Why they have an entry for an infection they've not answered though I'm not sure and that is odd. We have millions of users and obviously compared to millions not that many posts about update issues. There are many reasons and though you may see it as "boiler plate" the boiler plate reply helps many more users than this fringe issue by far but if the numbers continue to grow we may add it to the boiler plate replies. I also don't have an issue with you posting such information on a "new" topic but dragging up old topics to reply to is considered trolling on any forum and leads to getting posting rights removed.  If you wish to post such advise I'd also recommend using a different word than "dispositioned" as it really is an odd word and itself probably doesn't mean anything to most users as it's not a good descriptive word for this issue.


Thank you again

I understand what you are saying that what I am doing might be considered trolling if I were about causing trouble. Trolling is defined: to make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. I am certainly NOT trolling as I am trying to help other users. I might be sharp, pithy, creative, learned, well-spoken but I am not rude or petty. I am also not a "proud author" in that I will listen to opposing points of view; to do otherwise would be to deny that there are plenty of people smarter than me.


So, I am trying to help people use Malwarebytes which is a very good product in which I have invested time and money. By going back and finding users that seem to have similar problems, I am hoping to encourage them to continue to use Malwarebytes. I almost abandoned MBAM when I could find no documentation that explained the operation of the product. Mind you, I consider myself a sophisticated user as I have been using computers for 30 years.


Although I didn't complete my dual-degree program in mechanical engineering and computer engineering due to financial then health problems, I still attained enough education to compete effectively in industries related to both. I have worked on the Space Shuttle External Tank, F-18 and classified projects that I may never be able to talk about. I also worked for several years for IBM. I mention this because I want to establish my bona fides as I am not a braggart.


In my work experience, I was almost always a troubleshooter and problem solver. I found that gathering facts and considering them carefully before trying to fix anything makes for an efficient use of time and resources and leads to effective solutions. I think it is completely appropriate to ask those seeking help to do their part in that regard. Having users run diagnostic routines, observe the program in operation and send reports and screenshots is also completely appropriate. Having them launch straight away into remove, clean and reinstall without diagnosing the problem is, in my opinion, potentially counterproductive.


I find it discouraging to get instruction that, when completed, leave me in the same circumstance and I'd bet that most people would feel the same. I feel less so if I have been engaged in a substantial way with those helping me before attempting to fix anything. I don't mean to criticize or demean anyone that invests their personal time here trying to help. I just think it would be better to diagnose the problem to some extent before offering any advice to perform complex and time-consuming tasks.


I spent time reading, observing the program's operations and studying the available settings to determine how to deal with my problem. I joined the forum simply because I saw several users that seemed to have the same problem and I thought my solution might help them to fully benefit from MBAM. Indeed, I found a posting that goes back to the middle of May where two users complained about the same issue. I point this example out just to show that there is seems to be some history with this issue which indicates that the MBAM developers might want to take a look at providing more robust feedback to the users to reduce their frustration and preempt potentially needless involvement here in the forum.


I invite you to consider a comment from a user that appears to have given up entirely. The user joined on 5/12/14, posted on 5/13 and hasn't been back since 5/18. Maybe someone could reach out to the user with encouragement to try MBAM again and offer them the simple solution I offered that has worked for a few people so far. 



I am going to post my little pearl in the hopes that users are monitoring the forums for updates and are still having the same problem. Who knows, maybe I can help them out too. It will be a WIN-WIN-WIN since I'll feel warm and fuzzy, their problem will be solved and the workload of the main contributors here will be reduced allowing them to focus on more complex problems.


Lastly, thanks to everyone in the forum that have devoted so much time to helping others. Ron, I really appreciate your effort to be measured and diplomatic with me. I will take to heart your advice about my choice of words and I'll try to tailor my comments to reach a broader audience. I would point out that the Internet is at the disposal of all here to obtain the definition of words.

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