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My company has submitted our application several times to become a Reseller. I have checked frequently for your domain to show up in our spam filter, but I still have not seen a anything related. I checked the forums and have noticed other users are having the same issue. I would love to share my email addresses to see if we could get any response :) WE have been submitting apps several times over the last couple of months!

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  • 4 weeks later...

10/10/2012 Still waiting for a Reply.

I don't mean to be a ####, just would like to sell your product and make you rich :)

No really, I need the software for my clients!


Edited by AdvancedSetup
inappropriate word removed
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi smullens,


Since Celee said that she had sent you a PM (personal message) in her post so I don't think she forgot to send you a PM. You can read your received PM's by clicking on the envelope on the top of the web-page when you are logged in. See the attached picture. Did you receive her PM?

If you have trouble with the PM-system, please let me know. I will then try to help you out with a more detailed explanation.


If you did receive the PM I'd advise to reply to her PM in stead of posting on the forum, this way you will get a faster response from her and staying with the same person has the advantage that the person helping you is already up to date on the case.

At the moment of typing only I and SaVee are following this topic, meaning that only I (Durew) and SaVee are automaticly notified about any posts in this topic. So Celee won't be notified automaticly and has to find this topic. Depending on how often she checks and how it may take a while before she notices you post.

(You may want to follow this topic yourself.)


Please note that I am no Malwarebytes employee. I'm just a home user trying to help people out.


I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please ask & post.






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Hi smullens,

I am so sorry about this. I was promised that one of our sales specialist was going to get back to you by end of day when I initially replied back to your PM. Let me try to track down one of the sales manager for you. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. 

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  • 1 month later...

I also had the same experience when I tried becoming a Malwarebytes reseller with my company. I filled out the form no less than 4 times over the course of several months and NEVER got a message back once. It seems their customer service is no where near up to par with the quality of their product!


I had to ultimately result to buying their product through a 3rd party distributor. To anyone interested in reselling Malwarebytes, I've been having good luck with this company: http://dsolution.ca/en/

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