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  1. Don't worry about Fubar... I think I found out the reason Startup Options These settings define how Malwarebytes 3.0 will behave when your computer starts. You may launch several applications at startup, and they may initiate startup processes which require Malwarebytes 3.0 launch timing to be adjusted. Let's look at each setting in detail. Delay Real-Time Protection when Malwarebytes starts: There may be times when the startup of system services used by Malwarebytes conflicts with services required by other applications at boot time. When this is the case, turn this setting on. You may also adjust the delay timing. You will need to experiment with the specific delay setting necessary to compensate for any conflicts that are noted. When required, this must be done on a case-by-case basis. The delay setting is adjustable from 15-180 seconds, in increments of 15 seconds.
  2. MBAMService often in my Windows get stuck starting... from SC queryex MBAMService SERVICE_NAME: MBAMService TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STATE : 2 START_PENDING (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN) WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) CHECKPOINT : 0x0 WAIT_HINT : 0x7d0 PID : 0 FLAGS :
  3. Hi, I have attached the Sysnative BSOD Dump for you to look at, and see what the culprit is. Can you please help me. SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip
  4. Hey Devs, is there anyway you can update the software to allow an option to skip files like pictures, videos, texts, etc that usually don't have malware?
  5. Hey look at this. The app is I am all fine and secure, but the taskbar icon show a red '!' and this in fact has been going on for at least 2-3 times now.
  6. Oops. Gifs not gifts. Also txt files, or whatever files that can't be executed.
  7. I am running a FULL scan and it's now going on for more than 24 hours! I have a huge Hard Drive. So, to help me in the future, is there any way for me to skip all the .jpgs, gifts, mp3, image/videos/documents that usually don't have virus?
  8. I bought System Mechanic! Yes, it is that. It's not bad program. False alarm!
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