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Everything posted by sman

  1. Yes..everything boils down to cost, value for money..(maybe this might be handy in long camping trips etc.)..
  2. Hi. Check "More Reply Options" and find options to Attach files..
  3. Yes..it is in regard to the browsers bundled by AV's for most sensitive use viz., Banking, e-commerce access, etc. In Avast it's 'Safezone', Safepay with BD, etc. One can also go for, "Trusteer Rapport", "Quarri My POQ" etc., which also provide added security for Banking and other sensitive needs to safeguard identity/personal info.. Or may go with Live-CD use..
  4. Ok.. Read the rest in http://www.livescience.com/53319-pocket-sized-smartphone-charger-uses-water.html
  5. Hi Vatu, Norton websites all around are similar and see below, on Norton 360 (products having evolved to Norton Security (Standard, Deluxe, Premium) plans.. As you can see, there is no product as 'Norton 360'
  6. Hi Vatu You have already tested it out, but still want a confirmation on compatibility.. MBAM is meant to supplement & work alongside AV's.. On licensing, as far as I know, there are no lifetime licenses, but you may wait for confirmation by the MB staff.. BTW how did you get Norton 360? Symantec has quite some time back itself revamped all their security plans and the basic pack is 'Norton Internet Security', which you need to check with their website, for getting proper product support..
  7. http://www.livescience.com/53319-pocket-sized-smartphone-charger-uses-water.html
  8. Oh..Reincarnatez @David is right in his advice to go for a packaged solution, which would address your needs as a part of its functionality.. With 'Safe browsing' options bundled with almost all AV's, a separate anti-keylogger would be superflous..
  9. Hi jamesecampbeljr Easy fix.., Go to "Safe mode' and delete the folder..
  10. As can be seen, none is perfect.. Source - https://www.raymond.cc/blog/what-is-the-best-anti-keylogger-and-anti-screen-capture-software/ i tried Spyshelter, some time back, but the annoying alerts, put me off...
  11. Thanks @YB.. I read about, if I remember correct, about a new Apple device or so, causing an explosion and some serious injury to the user.. My usage of Li-ion battery is only with my Acer Laptop, for which I go with the recommended charger (which as far as I know does'nt have any protection for overcharge/discharge).. Yes, since, manufacturer's accessories (esp. battery/charger) are costlier, normally go with compatible make's, under warranty, and w/o any issues, so far..But, now, I will be more cautious in regard to make/models and protection to go with.. Thanks, once again..
  12. http://www.itworld.com/article/3021018/researchers-develop-a-lithium-ion-battery-that-wont-overheat.html
  13. With line of thought for merging MBAM & MBAE, also curious to know what future policy path would be?
  14. Thanks @Aura.. Avast has been my primary protection.. With Webroot said to work alongside existing AV, this was added. Emsisoft is the 3rd one, I'm trying out, which did help in clearing some PUP's / registry detections.. All 3 are on realtime protection level. Webroot does'nt need any updation (being cloud-based protection).. while there has been no problems with updation of the other two, If I were given a choice, though I'm impressed with Emsisoft, I will stick with my primary Avast protection.. The one problem (maybe not related to running of multiple AV's) is the 'Secure DNS' feature of Avsst, which is a bit un-predictable and interfere with network connectivity (needing frequent turning 'ON/OFF' of the 'Secure DNS' option).. Anyway, Avast it will be.. But is it OK in adding Webroot to it, beng a cloud based protection?
  15. Due to the chrome problem, I have been trying to rule out any problem with my system and carrying./ carried out systen checks with multiple AV;s and y;day had 4 AV's (Avast, Webroot, Emsisoft, Panda) wuth MBAE running simultaneously.. Since, Panda cloud cleaner was a one-off run, I still continue to run the other 3 AV's with MBAE in tandem.. Though, I haven't had any problems so far, is this OK? Tks. in advance..
  16. Joan Boez, an incredible artist with an acclaimed career.. Tks @DD1 !!
  17. Excellent news.. A big relief, indeed and waiting for it's logical conclusion..
  18. Will miss you Natalie Cole, David Bowie.. You have left a lasting name with your music.. RIP..
  19. "The true beauty of oxymorons," says Richard Watson Todd, "is that, unless we sit back and really think, we happily accept them as normal English." Todd illustrates his point in the following passage: It was an open secret that the company had used a paid volunteer to test the plastic glasses. Although they were made using liquid gas technology and were an original copy that looked almost exactly like a more expensive brand, the volunteer thought that they were pretty ugly and that it would be simply impossible for the general public to accept them. On hearing this feedback, the company board was clearly confused and there was a deafening silence. This was a minor crisis and the only choice was to drop the product line. (Much Ado About English. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2006)
  20. I have found this to be due to MBAE.. By default, IE run will trigger, both 32 & 64 bit mbae dll injections, irespective of the process type.. if the 32-bit & 64-bit versions of any other application (say.. Slimjet) have the same executable (slimjet.exe), with MBAE running, MBAE will, due to same executable, will relate the application with the first triggered process & it's dll injection.. If the executables for 32-bit & 64-bit are different and shielded separately, one can then run 32-bit & 64 bit processes of Slimjet side-by-side (with separate protection) w/o any problem..(presently, there is a problem with 64-bit run, so 64-bit process will open, but no browsing will be possible). This topic, may thus be moved under MBAE..
  21. Today, out of necessity, I first ran the 32-bit version of Slimjet browser and when it was still running fine, tried to check the run of it's 64-bit version of the browser.. This triggered a new run of the browser, in a separate window, but of the 32-bit version only.. So, there were 2 runs of 32-bit version of Slimjet (instead of a 32-bit & 64 bit runs).. Could there be any reason for it? Tks. in advance..
  22. Yes.. 32-bit Chrome works.. When Avast Safezone browser was working (based on Chrome engine), I would have got this, if I had checked the process explorer for the specific dll injection type, and it sure now points to 32-bit dll injection and no wonder, now Slimjet & Chrome are fine under 32-bit.. So, All, you can now remain with 1185 build, with 32-bit Chrome, until problem with 64-bit is taken care of by @Pedro..
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