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Everything posted by sman

  1. sman


    Happy Christmas @Pedro and MB Team !!
  2. Wow.. MBAE protects even though run sandboxed in Antivirus.. First time when I ran it sandboxed in Antivirus, Process explorer did not show any .dll injections but on subsequent runs, get MBAE protection notifications, Antivirus notification for running the app Sandboxed, Process explorer too showing .dll injections.. Incredible indeed, that MBAE still protects, even though Sanboxed.. Now, this will be my preferred browser over Slimjet..
  3. Running it 'Sandboxed' in Antivirus is one option, but then no MBAE protection. How to get the best of both?
  4. Found fastestwebbrowser.com built on IE core and seems to be really fast.. Though added a shileld for it in MBAE, since, the browser is not covered by Antivirus, how to secure the sessions?
  5. Very recently, while searching for solution for a HDD problem of people close to me, came across 'Live-CD', which seemed to offer a solution.. The system in question, a Desktop had WIn 8 pre-installed and it's BIOS was tampered with and Admin password protected.. BIOS SATA mode was set to 'IDE' and HDD was not getting detected. Service people suggesting for Motherboard change, since as per them BIOS SATA mode needed to be in 'AHCI' controller mode.. It was a classic case of HDD failure and no replacement in sight.. So, Live-CD seemed to offer hope for alternative boot and prolonging the system life/use (as Motherboard replacement is akin to replacing the System) and after trying/testing many distros, zeroed in on the distros highlighted.. On this, Justbrowsing boot media was created with 'Unitbootin' and also 'YUMI' was tried.. But did not work out.. Know abt Sophos offering Security solns for Linux but on Sandboxing 'Firejail' is new to me.. Thanks for letting know..
  6. I ended up with only errors trying to run Justbrowsing with Arch Linux and given up.. But succeeded with 'BrowserLinux' , 'Can Kiosk 5.5' (both of Puppy Linux) and 'Chromixium'.. With 'BrowserLinux' Audio does'nt work properly but has a Linux terminal for command line run.. 'Can Kiosk' is good and only for 'Browsing' but browser is deprecated.. 'Chromixium' is feature rich, Chromebook O/S based on Ubuntu and my preferred 'Live-CD'.. One thing with 'Live-CD' browsing, before using/posting any link, will hv to get it scanned with Online Url Scanner, to ensure that the link is fine (no malicious link)..
  7. It all boils to 'Isolate data, data access' and Live-CD is there to stay..
  8. Are PC users (majority of whom r Windows users) working / dealing in LAN, OS Server environments in day-day computing, for Live-CD to be effective in these environments to be accepted?..
  9. Are Windows PC users dealing LAN, OS Server in day-day computing?
  10. Right on the dot, which Windows restricts to only Businesses/Enterprises.. But Faster, Safer and adaptable to even older/outdated hardware and suited to Home users for 'Safe Browsing' than from any Public Terminal/Cyber Cafe's etc..
  11. Quite true.. isolate data, data access, which is what Live-CD is abt and safety online is ensured..
  12. No worries for End users as they stay protected with Live-CD use.. Only of concern to website hosts/owners, Database server hosts, which may be covered with suitable backup/alternative to fall back on in case of any supposed attack..
  13. It happens when one returns back to normal Boot, after an earlier change in Boot option, that most of the time MBAE is disturbed..
  14. I also had problems with Slimjet not starting (though MBAE signalling starting protection) and after many unsuccessful attempts, uninstall/reinstall, reverting to old versions, finally with a full uninstall (removing all traces) and reinstall did the trick.. further, if one were to change Boot option (Media boot, Safe mode etc.) - not all the time, but can say 80% of the time, this disturbs MBAE, with services not running, no UI and only MBAE.exe running. Then have to try variations to get MBAE back..
  15. If one can come out of dependancy on Windows and it's resource hogg, and embrace "Live-CD", will see a sea of change to computing and Online Security.. Find usage to even outdated/old hardware, to make the best use/lifetime of hardware on hand.. All forms of crypto threats a thing of the past.. I see Home users to benefit the most of this "Live-CD" approach...
  16. Kudos and Great work, @pbust and Malwarebytes team on 1.08 release. Another step towards a hacker free world and all the credit to Malwarebytes..
  17. More on erratic behavior - - Open say FF at 12.00 hrs, MBAE UI icon comes out of hiding from Systray but no balloon alert of protection - Close browsing session by 12.10 hrs - at 12.15 hrs get balloon alert that FF is being protected (15 mts after opening and long after closing of browser) - UI log shows protection as from 12.00 hrs.. Have no idea, why this happens?..
  18. So, only mbae.exe to be killed to re-run MBAE and get UI.. Tks. @pbust..
  19. I will also have to kill all protected apps (due to stopping protection for re-run).. Tks @pbust..
  20. So, if UI goes, need to either do a over the top reinstall (after killing all protected apps) or do a reboot, to get UI back in action, to keep track of MBAE's activity.. Tks..
  21. Yes @pbust, it's true that protection will remain, but sans UI alerts/logs essential to act upon it.. On RPC failure, I'm all at sea as to what is causing it, some suggest it could be some shell call or so, but not sure.. Now, w/o UI in place, will I still be alerted of any threat blocking/any action by MBAE??.. Tks..
  22. Of late, when at times try to access Right click context menu in start, taskbar hangs and then get "remote procedure call failed" error, followed by disapperaing of some of the systray icons (MBAE amongst them).. Though all MBAE services r running, the absence of UI then is akin to working in the dark with a false sense of security (as any action/threats will no longer be alerted or logged).. This then , forces one to reboot, to get the UI back.. Being very much integral to MBAE working, UI's functioning is a cause of concern...
  23. For the past 3-4 boots, no alert/logs for startup item - Eagleget, download manager, though it is OK in process explorer (mbae.dll).. it was OK in all old builds and is unique only to 1044.. Alerts/logs r OK for other apps launched/run subsequently (though at times the alert is even delayed by 5 mts, from log time).. To quote, open browser, do a quick browse, close and sometime after browser is closed, get alert that the browser is protected (when it is no longer running and log shows protection had started much earlier abt . 5 mts before balloon/alert).. So, though protection is OK, it is the UI which is erratic..
  24. Whwn in doubt, I do check up with Process explorer, to calm myself. Nowadays I rarely use Chrome and more of Slimjet which is fast (than all other browsers).. So, if irritants r due to many upgrades, will a uninstall and reinstall to latest put an end to it? Tks..
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