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Posts posted by Rsullinger

  1. Hey everyone,


    We have a new build we would like to have everyone test:


    https://malwarebytes.box.com/s/iu4ii7jafj05cdktv1hqkzghkuzja7jj 1403.


    This build is to fix the IE issue on some use cases where the last build did not fix it. We would like to get your feedback if this build still fixes the issue. Also, if the last build did not fix it, we want a confirmation if this build does. Let me know if you run into any issues with this build! 

  2. Hey Kippykip,


    I want to have you collect me a couple of logs so I can look into this issue further. 


    Can you please collect the files in this folder location:




    Along with that, I want to have you run a tool called FRST to collect some information on the computer. To do this:


    1: Please download FRST from the link below and save it to your desktop:

    FRST 32-bit version: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/FRST

    FRST 64-bit version: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/FRST64

    2: Double-click the purple FRST icon to run the program. Click Yes when the disclaimer appears.

    3: Click the Scan button

    4: When the scan has finished, it will make 2 log files in the same directory the tool is run, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please attach both files in your reply.


  3. hello Jwoodskitsap,


    So the files in that tmp directory are the new update files. If the files cannot be swapped out on an upgrade, we will place the files there and create an entry to swap out those files on reboot. So those files look like they were not swapped in this case. If you stopped the service and swapped the files it would work, but wouldn't fix it for all of your other users. Do you mind looking at another computer having this issue an confirm if it is the same two files in question? 

  4. Hello Everyone,


    Seems like soon came sooner then I thought. We have a test build that we would like everyone to try on one or two computers with the issue. If you are willing to test this, please download this build and install it over the top:


    This is business build. So if anyone is using the consumer build, please use the one posted here:


    Please let me know any feedback you have on the build! 

  5. Hello Everyone,


    We are currently working on a build to fix this like I mentioned yesterday. I should have an update soon on this. 

    To answer your question @BrentB9193, if you can't use another browser like firefox or chrome currently, you can disable the IE shield and that should allow you to use IE while we get this build completed. It will still protect you with every other shielded application and allow you to use the IE applications that you may use in your environment. 

  6. Hello Everyone,


    Wanted to give you a brief update on this. We found what we believe is the problem. We are going to be looking into and making sure that it is the issue. We will have something soon for you to test and see if it fixes the issue on your side. I will make sure to update this thread when I have a build in hand to give all of you! 

  7. Hello All,


    Thank you for the information and logs you provided. The team is currently looking into this issue and will see about getting a fix for this soon. I may reach out to a few of you directly for some additional logging based on what the team finds. I will also make sure to update this thread when I have more information.


    @JimF As a temporary work around you can disable the IE shield. It disables the protection for IE, but you won't lose the protection for the other programs. Not the greatest of work around currently, but it will save you for disabling the entire program. If I get a better one (that just involves disabling some advanced settings) I will let you know! 

  8. Hey Jwoodskitsap,


    Do you mind taking a screenshot of your C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit directory. If you notice a tmp folder in there, can you take a picture of what is in that folder as well? I am curious if the files from the upgrade swapped correctly and if there is any files in there, then it could be the reason why. 

  9. Hello Alsoeric,


    Do you mind reproducing the issue one more time. When you do, can you please collect these two logs for me:



    The directory is hidden by default so you might have to click on "View -> Hidden items" in Explorer to see it.   
    There is also a post here from Microsoft on how to do this for the more recent OS: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14201/windows-show-hidden-files


  10. Hello Clint and Dan,


    We do have some reports of this issue however, collecting the logs for this is important to see if it is a new issue or if it is the same as another issue already reported. With out that to confirm, I would be throwing builds at you that may or may not fix the issue especially if it is a unique case. 


    @danjordan Are you a consumer or a business user. I want to make sure what build you would be using as that may affect the issue you are experiencing. 

  11. Hey drdas,


    All vbscript.dll does is allows programs to call it to run vbscripts. So if this is only happening in IE when you launch it, something may be trying to run a VB script in IE. If you are not sure the contents of this, I would reset IE back to defaults just to be safe. Check IE for any suspicious looking add-ins and remove them as well. Also make sure the home page is set to the default loading and not any strange redirect sites. 

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