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Posts posted by Rsullinger

  1. Hey SuperMutant,


    Thank you very much for all of the logs. I tried to do the same upgrade path but I am striking out on reproducing the issue. I am going to bring it up to our team so they can test and see if they can reproduce it. So go ahead and do a clean re-install if you haven't already and that should fix it like the others mentioned. 

    Just some clarifying questions, did you do any windows updates or creator updates for windows 10 during this time as well? Anything that may have happened the same day just so I can try to create a scenario as close for the team. 

  2. Hey SuperMutant,

    If possible, yea. I want to see if I can reproduce this issue as much as I can to see if it is a potential upgrade issue with your OS/installed programs. 

  3. Hello JBNippy57,


    I do apologize about the delay in this. Unfortunately the block on the server side in particular does not give as much information. It looks like it is being blocked by one of our first layers of protection so it could be a few things causing it. We will unfortunately need the logs collected using these instructions:



  4. Hey Fedup,


    That is correct, we just released our 1.10 version through automatic update and it looks like it couldn't remove the files so they were set to be removed. So it looks like a lot of the issues you are seeing is due to the automatic update. 


    Can you go to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\ and take a screenshot of that directory. If that tmp folder exists, can you take a screenshot of what is in that directory as well? A simple re-install with 1.10 would fix this issue, but I want to confirm what is not being moved over correctly. A reboot should have swapped those files that are having the error in the log. 

  5. Hey TeamHorner,


    I assumed that may be the fix. So anti-exploit is updating which is causing the problem like I mentioned. If it cannot complete the update, it will need to wait until the computer is rebooted to finish the install (completely) and show up correctly in the console. To make sure you are still protected until it happens, we will still run anti-exploit and protect you until you reboot. This normally only occurs if something is preventing our update from happening the moment we try to update. If it cannot, it will do that mentioned process above. 

  6. Hey TeamHorner,


    So it looks like this may be due to anti-exploit updating. I want to have you try a couple of things. 

    1. On the client, can you try restarting the Meeclientservice and see if it shows the correct version in console?

    2. If that does not work, please try rebooting the client and see if that fixes it.

    I want to say that 2 will definitely work but I want to confirm to see if my suspicions are correct. 

  7. Hello TeamHorner and welcome to the forums!


    I want to have you collect me some client logs so I can see why it is not sending the status of mbae correctly to the console. To do this:

    -Locate the this folder on the client computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Managed Client
    -In this folder, right click the 'CollectClientLog.exe' utility and run it as admin.
    -Save these logs to the desktop of the computer.
    -Zip up this folder and attach it to the next reply.

  8. Hey Fedup,


    The actual service name is MbaeSvc like you were seeing, but the display name is Malwarebytes anti-exploit service. So seeing either is generally fine. Generally you should see mbaesvc in the services menu of task manager and you should only see the display name in the actual services menu. Let me know if after a reboot that happens again. The service should start every time the computer is started so if it is not, we can look into that. 

  9. Hey Fedup,


    There is a couple of ways. First way is to check the tray in the bottom right to see if you see the orange shield.  You can also open the up the services menu by pressing windows +R on the keyboard and typing in services.msc. You can then scroll through the list and see if malwarebytes anti-exploit service is started. 

    As for the build, there is a newer version then that so it could be having update issues. You can find the build here ( i would recommend un-installing, rebooting, and installing it):



  10. Hello Pcleary,


    Thank you for the logs. In office, do you have any plug-ins or add-ins that are not int he defaults from it. If possible, can you take a screenshot of the addons so I can confirm a few things. We can disable something in the advanced setting to fix this, but I want to confirm what is causing this first to see if it is a known conflict. 

  11. Hello Everyone,

    Here is the latest standalone Beta of Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit 1.13:




    • Improved protection techniques  for browsers and MS Office applications
    • Improved exclusion capabilities


    • Updated shield list to include Chrome and Edge Browsers
    • Improvements to reduce False Positives

    Stability/issues fixed:

    • Improved Logging capabilities
    • Internal Product Improvements 


  12. Hey Ivan,


    I do apologize for the delay. If that is the case with the logging, then it may be best just to collect these two logs since that tool gathers a lot more:


    So the mbae-default log is an encrypted log that only has information about mbae and just gives me more information on the alerts. The mbam service log has all the products communication to that log. It doesn't pull any user information and just pertains to scans, blocks, or communication to our services. Also, while it is possible to install it side by side, both of them use some of the same dll's so it is not recommended to run anti-exploit side by side. 

    For the question in your second post about sandboxing, is that setting on the win7 side? I will have to check with our team if that will make a difference but I want to clarify if you are just asking about turning it on or not. 


  13. Hello,


    Just to confirm, on next reboot when it occurs again, when you go to that same setting is it checked again or not? I just want to confirm. If it is not checked and you are still having the issue, is it generating an alert? If so, I will need the logs collected to troubleshoot further.  All you have to do is run this tool https://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mb3_check and collect the zip file that is on the desktop.


  14. Hello SecGuru,


    I am sorry to hear that the EPP client missed that. If the machine is still up, I want to have you collect the endpoint security logs for our team so I can take that (with the file you provided) to them to get tested and fixed. The easiest way to get these logs is to run a command into CMD:


    C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent\MBCloudEA.exe –diag


    You may need to go to the actual directory to run it so these can help:


    cd C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent\
    MBCloudEa.exe -diag


    This will create a zip on the desktop called MBDiagnostics. 



  15. Hey Ivan,


    Page 14 of this admin guide here: https://www.malwarebytes.com/pdf/guides/MBAEBGuide.pdf?d=2017-07-12-11-42-29--0700


    goes into it a bit on what each of the settings do. However, they are a bit technical and wouldn't answer most questions more then anything. However, the images from that guide is what the business have checked compared to the one in MB3. The main changes are to the final 2 tabs that involved the application behavior protection and java protection. Some of those settings are changed since business environments have a lot more java management programs that are not malicious. 

  16. Hey IvanIvanovich,


    Sorry for the delay, I was getting a few items confirmed by our team. The impact of disabling that setting will be minor. MBAE is a layered protection program in that even if you disable 1 small portion of it, you will still be protected by the other layers. This protection in particular is actually something we have disabled by default on our business version of mbae due to management software (such as this one) needing that unchecked in order to do their java operations correctly. So even if you disable that, you will still be protected by mbae from java based exploits. 

  17. Hello Angi,


    I want to help get to the bottom of the issue to solve it for good for you, but I want to make sure that you or your husband won't be plagued by this issue. To disable the shield that is causing this, open up Malwarebytes and go to the settings pane on the left. From there, click on the Protection tab at the top and click on the 'Manage protected applications' button. In here, you should see the options for office (including word). When you disable the word button, it should stop this crashing issue you are seeing. 


    I do want to get this fixed so you can be protected if you would be willing to grab them. All you have to do is run this tool https://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mb3_check and collect the zip file that is on the desktop. Once I get that, I can get that over to our team to see about getting this fixed.

    I do apologize you are running into this problem that has hindered you and your husbands job opportunities.

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