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Posts posted by Rsullinger

  1. Hey Sheend111,

    So like i thought, that application is not protected normally so I think it was just a false positive on our side. If you don't know how you triggered it then it may have just been something was trying to launch it and we monitored it at that point. Unfortunately, it looks like the logs over wrote the information about what happened during that time so I can't check. If it happens again, can you try collecting those logs again? I don't think it will happen based on what I was able to see in the logs.  However, since I am not sure what triggered it, It is is hard to say for certain. 

  2. Hey Slack,


    In the case of mbae 1.11, the build that is posted on the forum is a build that is updated more frequently then what we push out through automatic updates. These usually include 1 or 2 fixes that we are putting in the forum to test before deploying it out. We will push it out through automatic update at a later time and it will most likely be another build number down the line. 


    For ARW, the build that you have put are functionally the same. as it is the official release version. The numbers after that are our CU updates which do get pushed out automatically when we release them. It is not like with mbae where it is a whole new version, those are updates to our software that can be served without you needing to install a new version. So if you are seeing one that is behind, it may be it haven't reached out and made connection to our server yet to get that update. 

  3. Hey StuartWake,


    No problem, I assumed that may have been the case. I am going to have you collect one more log for me so I can send this to the team for more informaiton. You can send me these logs in a PM if you want since it does give information like installed programs and such:


    1: Please download FRST from the link below and save it to your desktop:

    FRST 32-bit version: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/FRST

    FRST 64-bit version: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/FRST64

    2: Double-click the purple FRST icon to run the program. Click Yes when the disclaimer appears.

    3: Click the Scan button

    4: When the scan has finished, it will make 2 log files in the same directory the tool is run, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please attach both files in your reply.

  4. Hey QasimAzam,

    On one of the machines having the issue, can you try removing anti-exploit with this tool:




    and try re-installing 1.10 on the machine again with this link:



    I want to confirm if this is something that occurred from an upgrade/install issue since no alerts are being generated. 


  5. Hello TheRidingMan,

    So to answer the first one, as long as the management software is installed, you just need to restart the service (or computer) and it will re-query the installed products and send the status to the server. It acts like a standalone installation that is managed by the management software on the machine. So it will show up after the restart is done. 

    I do not need any logs. You hit the nail on the head to what the issue is. So what is happening is since you are deploying out the management software without anti-exploit packaged, it is deploying it without the key. So when you deploy it standalone through your GP, it installs just fine but doesn't get activated. This prevents the UI from being launched and running. So you can easily push out those registry entries you see to get it activated on all the computers you are deploying. I have used a simple .bat like this before to push it out as well:



    In the script, just replace the x's in the ID and key entries with your own id and key. 


    This can technically be done at any time pre or post install. But I would do it after you have deployed the GP with the .msi. 


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