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Posts posted by FetzBox22

  1. After installing Version 4.4 I did ran a couple scans, noticing that the scan seems to stumpel upon a few files.

    At a certain point the Scan stucks for 5-6 Seconds - counting the Seconds but not the files anymore.

    It most often happens during the Scanning of the memory.



    This option makes a difference,


    Chosing "Manual scans take priority over other applications" leads to the above behavior.

    Chosing the less performance impact - the above behavior seems not to exist.

    Once this behavior occurs the cpu impact reduces from almost 95% to 25% - waiting this 5-6 Seconds and than the cpu impact goes up again.

    Right now, this happens twice during the scan.




    I downloaded the Malwarebytes Support-Tool and did a cleaning, rebootet and reinstalled Version 4.4

    The Scan speeded up just a little bit, but it still stucks on some files for 5-6 Seconds.

    I did the same reinstall procedure after installing the new windows 10 Update - still, there is no change.

    On Version 4.3 this the scan was about 10 Seconds faster.














  2. 36 minutes ago, jboursier said:

    If you still encounter the same weird behavior and lines in the debug log, can you let me know?


    Okay. If I encounter any problems I will let you know.

    Downloading the database seems to be a little faster than before - AdwCleaner´s reaction if there is nothing to download feels far more smoth.

    Thank´s for fixing it.


    • Haha 1
  3. In every single case, it identified the sample and quarantined it before it could launch, scoring a perfect 10 points with 100% detection.






    I think it might be time to say, that everyone from Malwarebytes is doing a great job. They probably always did a great job, but now, we know. 😉

    Keep up the good work.



    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, jboursier said:

    Do you mean that sometimes - although your computer has a working network connection - AdwCleaner keeps using the bundled definitions?

    Yes, this is what it seems like, when i look into the log´s.

    And AdwCleaner always says "downloading database".

    The network connection is alway´s the same.


    # Build:    03-22-2021
    # Database: 2021-03-22.1 (Local)
    # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
    # -------------------------------
    # Mode: Scan
    # -------------------------------
    # Start:    04-07-2021


    compare to cloud


    # Build:    03-22-2021
    # Database: 2021-04-08.1 (Cloud)
    # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
    # -------------------------------
    # Mode: Scan
    # -------------------------------
    # Start:    04-11-2021



    Here are my log´s if you need them (norton is not installed since last year, I don´t know why you find it in those log´s).



  5. hmmm,

    the Problem is not present anymore if AdwareCleaner uses the Cloud DataBase (see the scanlog).

    On the first Scan on Wednesday it used just the Local DataBase.

    - The Question is: Why is AdwareCleaner not always using the Cloud? On Wednesday it did download some DataBase - and the download ist according to the scanlog "very old" -  but it did not use the cloud.


    Update 12.04. : If I do a Scan, AdwareCleaner is downloading something but without using the cloud.

                              And there it is again: PUP.Optional.Legacy



  6. Hi drdas,

    I got a similar "problem" and I allready opend a new forum thread:


    Did you allready try to make a clean unistall and reinstall Malwarbytes using the Malwarebytes support tool?

    How much Ram do you have? I got 8 GB, having 16 GB or more could  help too.

    But anyway´s ... 1 Minute response time is more than to much ... 

  7. Hello,

    when I start malwarebytes from the tray icon - it takes 13 Second´s till the main window shows up.

    (reboot does not change, clean reinstalling with malw. support tool does not change anything)


    Starting Thunderbird: 5-6 Seconds

    Starting Chrome: 2 Seconds

    Starting Norton Life Lock (without Malwarebytes installed): 3 Seconds 


    Right know I use Defender and Malwarebytes.


    I can send you my log´s - or maybe, it´s just the way it is 😵



  8. Hi,

    when I open adware cleaner without having malwarebytes installed,


    Testen Sie Malwarebytes "Protection"

    What about: Testen Sie den Malwarebytes Schutz - sound´s little stupid to me, "Testen Sie Malwarebytes Premium" or "Malwarebytes Premium testen"



    "Artikeln" - this is what you see, when you go shopping

    what about "Anwendungen" - "Anwendungen" sound´s more like Software :-)






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