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Posts posted by FetzBox22

  1. Is there an easy way sending suspicious files to malwarebytes?

    What about a option sending quarantined files to Malwarebytes (for example right click and there is a option)?

    Right now in quarantined items there is just a option for "restore", "delete" ...

    What about a option, if Malwarebytes find´s a file using his Heuristic or AI, to verify that this file is not a false positive?

    What about a suspicious file i want to send to Malwarebytes without getting a new forum account

    (to keep it easy for people that don´t have a clou with a forum account, or don´t speak english)?


    My intention is, to make it just more easy for people who are not as familiar with computer like you and me,(keep) using Malwarebytes.



    here is still room for "submit a suspicious file"

    - this could lead to hompage with some easy self-explanatory option´s (without any new account)

    - this hompage has the same language that Malwarebytes is using - if i use Malwarebytes is german, i will get a german hompage for submitting my files

    keep it easy and keep it simple ...  🙂🙂



  2. Hi Malwarebytes Team,

    checking for updates prior to a scan takes about 11 Seconds on my computer (after the update is done, and I do another scan, Malwarebytes start´s scanning almost immediatly).

    What about this? instead of saying "checking for updates" once there is an update, say: "applying update".

    Than everyone knows what´s going on and that Malwarbytes is still alive 😄


  3. After installing Version 4.4 I did ran a couple scans, noticing that the scan seems to stumpel upon a few files.

    At a certain point the Scan stucks for 5-6 Seconds - counting the Seconds but not the files anymore.

    It most often happens during the Scanning of the memory.



    This option makes a difference,


    Chosing "Manual scans take priority over other applications" leads to the above behavior.

    Chosing the less performance impact - the above behavior seems not to exist.

    Once this behavior occurs the cpu impact reduces from almost 95% to 25% - waiting this 5-6 Seconds and than the cpu impact goes up again.

    Right now, this happens twice during the scan.




    I downloaded the Malwarebytes Support-Tool and did a cleaning, rebootet and reinstalled Version 4.4

    The Scan speeded up just a little bit, but it still stucks on some files for 5-6 Seconds.

    I did the same reinstall procedure after installing the new windows 10 Update - still, there is no change.

    On Version 4.3 this the scan was about 10 Seconds faster.














  4. 36 minutes ago, jboursier said:

    If you still encounter the same weird behavior and lines in the debug log, can you let me know?


    Okay. If I encounter any problems I will let you know.

    Downloading the database seems to be a little faster than before - AdwCleaner´s reaction if there is nothing to download feels far more smoth.

    Thank´s for fixing it.


    • Haha 1
  5. In every single case, it identified the sample and quarantined it before it could launch, scoring a perfect 10 points with 100% detection.






    I think it might be time to say, that everyone from Malwarebytes is doing a great job. They probably always did a great job, but now, we know. 😉

    Keep up the good work.



    • Like 1
  6. 22 hours ago, jboursier said:

    Do you mean that sometimes - although your computer has a working network connection - AdwCleaner keeps using the bundled definitions?

    Yes, this is what it seems like, when i look into the log´s.

    And AdwCleaner always says "downloading database".

    The network connection is alway´s the same.


    # Build:    03-22-2021
    # Database: 2021-03-22.1 (Local)
    # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
    # -------------------------------
    # Mode: Scan
    # -------------------------------
    # Start:    04-07-2021


    compare to cloud


    # Build:    03-22-2021
    # Database: 2021-04-08.1 (Cloud)
    # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support
    # -------------------------------
    # Mode: Scan
    # -------------------------------
    # Start:    04-11-2021



    Here are my log´s if you need them (norton is not installed since last year, I don´t know why you find it in those log´s).



  7. hmmm,

    the Problem is not present anymore if AdwareCleaner uses the Cloud DataBase (see the scanlog).

    On the first Scan on Wednesday it used just the Local DataBase.

    - The Question is: Why is AdwareCleaner not always using the Cloud? On Wednesday it did download some DataBase - and the download ist according to the scanlog "very old" -  but it did not use the cloud.


    Update 12.04. : If I do a Scan, AdwareCleaner is downloading something but without using the cloud.

                              And there it is again: PUP.Optional.Legacy



  8. Hi drdas,

    I got a similar "problem" and I allready opend a new forum thread:


    Did you allready try to make a clean unistall and reinstall Malwarbytes using the Malwarebytes support tool?

    How much Ram do you have? I got 8 GB, having 16 GB or more could  help too.

    But anyway´s ... 1 Minute response time is more than to much ... 

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