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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. I just have a quick question for you, adwareaway. On your website it states: source: http://www.adwareaway.com/download.htmlDoes this mean that one has to purchase the product in order to remove found items? If not, what does it mean, could you please clarify? I am just wondering because, in my opinion, it doesn't seem like a good practice, to allow a free download and scan, but then have to pay to have the items that are found removed. I certainly wouldn't want to pay using an infected machine to remove the items that were found, I'd rather purchase the program after my machine has been cleaned. By using an infected machine to purchase the program, one could potentially open themselves up to credit card theft. Thank you
  2. Ron, Yeah, the lyrics mostly are what drew me, so inspirational and uplifting, but I feel that the song as a whole is good too Thanks, I'll have to check out her music
  3. Haaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppyyyy Birthday!
  4. I absolutely love this song... I haven't listened to anything else by her but this song is amazing and I love it
  5. No torrenting or piracy here, so no being targeted here
  6. Happy Birthday Tarun! I hope it's fantastical!
  7. Hello Chris and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless it's been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help. If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you. Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read.After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post. If you prefer to be assisted via email you may contact support@malwarebytes.org and one of our support staff members will assist you directly. If you are a reseller, affiliate, technician, corporate, business, educational, government or non-profit customer then please contact corporate-support@malwarebytes.org and include full contact details along with your Reference # when you do to ensure that you receive prompt assistance. Thank you
  8. I hope your recovery goes well and that you get well soon
  9. Got rid of the toolbars (she said she didn't even use them anyway). I temp. disabled MSE whilst doing the online scan and forgot to re-enable it during the security scan. ESET: SECURITY CHECK: She hasn't noticed anything other than the circle thing I wrote in my above post; but that does not happen in Firefox. Should the online scanner be uninstalled? Also I am not quite sure why your security check is saying out of date service pack; becasue when I go into Control Panel > System and Maintenance > System > It says Service Pack 2. Also the MBAM scan says that it's SP2
  10. You can also purchase with a MoneyOrder, available at any Post office and many convenience stores.
  11. Thanks Screen317 I am pretty sure I removed an Ask toolbar from the machine, so not sure if the second might be leftovers of that or not. I am already planning on having her bring it back to me for a little bit, so I will let her know that there are definitely a couple things that I need to do on it Edit: She also just told me, that when she is on Facebook or something, the browser (IE at the moment, I am not sure about any other browsers since she didn't have another one at the time that I know of) will randomly say not responding and it'll have the little loading circle for a little while and it does it a lot, and she is not sure why. This is still happening; She said that is one of the reasons she realized there must be something wrong to begin with, also she told me that she'd get popups on the computer telling her to buy something to protect the computer. I never saw them, but she said it wasn't all the time. Of course as soon as I was able to after getting it I nuked it with Mbam
  12. I love Opera broswer, and I feel that Avira is a great AV choice
  13. Don't click any link that you have the slightest worry about... just don't! Even if you are super curious! Just don't click!
  14. Hiya Screen317 Thank you!! I didn't want to plug it into my modem just in case and I do not have wireless, so at present I am transferring over needed files and logs via USB drive. Here is the Mbam log: DDS.TXT
  15. My friend told me her laptop was acting funny with something telling her she was infected, etc... so I told her to bring it to me. OS: Windows Vista Home Premium Edition, 64 bit, and it's an HP Pavilion dv4. I noticed the Frostwire icon right away on the desktop. I told her no no no and that it had to go and that she could never use that or anything like that again. I promptly removed it from the machine after scanning with Malwarebytes (since I figured the sooner it was scanned, the better)! I scanned it with Mbam, and there were about 126 hits. I ran it again after re-boot and it was clean. I also ran ComboFix. The main reason being because I knew that from prior experience on my machine (with guidance, I did not do it on my own) it hosed my HOSTS file. I was NOT able to get to forums.malwarebytes.org or microsoft.com on her machine, even after cleaning it with Mbam, so I figured the hosts file was screwed up. I tried a fix first that I found on MS support on their site to reset the hosts file, but it did not work at all, I suspect perhaps due to the lingering infection... or infection leftovers perhaps... Oddly enough, before cleaning the machine with Mbam, I could update Mbam (I had burned the Mbam setupfile to CD prior, so I didn't actually download it off the web directly on the laptop) but after I cleaned the machine with Mbam, I could not check for updates anymore without an error message. After running ComboFix, I could then access Microsoft.com, MajorGeeks, Malwarebytes.org, and I manually went to the hosts file and it was clear. After Mbam and ComboFix, I installed MSE as the machine had no antivirus, and the last antivirus that I could see that the machine had had was Norton and it was installed in Sept. 2009, so probably no AV since the trial ran out... Also when I went to her Frostwire folder to see what she had in there (pretty must just music), without even opening files, just browsing the folder, MSE popped up at me with a bunch of hits, so I immediately deleted her Frostwire folder in its entirety. She may have a back up of it, and if she does, I will have to tell her to get rid of it... I did another Mbam scan after that and it was also clean. It might also be worth mentioning she used to have LimeWire on the machine but it is no longer installed, I found this out because she also has a LimeWire folder, but MSE didn't give me any hits on it so I left it alone for the time being. I then installed the newest version of Adobe Reader X, Flash, updated her iTunes/QuickTime, and installed some outstanding MS updates. Here are the Mbam & ComboFix logs, as well as some of the results from MSE. Please advise if anything further should be done or if the machine seems to be clean. She's not in a hurry, so I can keep it as long as I need to. ComboFix
  16. Never heard of it, where can I find more information about PowerToys?
  17. Ugh still nothing but I think I figured out what file to click to begin the setup for my webcam, however, I would still like to resolve this at some point as it is super annoying, lol.
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