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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Be safe and we'll look forward to hearing from you when you return
  2. No problem! I now have a problem logging out from "Windows Live Account" when I log out of my Hotmail but everything else logs out. This can be taken care of by clearing one's cookies though
  3. I found this out on accident when checking my privacy settings! When logged into Hotmail from the web; Go to: Options > More Options > Then under Customizing Hotmail on the right, click Advanced Privacy Settings. You will see this text: Using HTTPS for extra security If you often use public computers or unsecure wireless connections, consider changing your account to always use HTTPS. Go to HTTPS settings Excellent! I am very happy about this I'd like to see more email providers follow suit
  4. Thanks for letting me know Ron and thanks to whoever fixed it I edited out my request for editing of the topic name since it has been done
  5. Well, I am fluent in PigLatin :lol: I used to be pretty good at Spanish but not anymore, haven't done that since high school I'd love to re-learn Spanish and maybe German or something too... because PigLatin is only good for when you don't want your teachers to know what you are saying... ::haha:: One of my friends speaks at least three languages VERY well not including English and English is not her first language and she speaks that very well too
  6. Welcome back and I'm glad that you've returned safely!
  7. That's good Yeah I guess, hehe. I accidentally drank some vodka last year though, haha. I was like this does not taste like my carbonated flavored water... lol
  8. :blink: :angry: :unsure: I'd always thought that perhaps that might not be something I'd want when I purchase a new computer or something like that, but I didn't know why. Now I know why...
  9. That would be nice but I understand for your reason for not allowing it, at least for now. If someone wants to fix this one for me though, I'd appreciate it http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=86882
  10. That's good! I don't drink at all.
  11. That's awesome! And it still there today so I got to try it out
  12. Yikes. Just... wow. :: figuratively bangs head against wall ::
  13. This was just released from the Goo Goo Dolls, whom I absolutely love, and I've fallen in love with the song already. I can't wait to download it! It's not available until June 14th though, so I guess I will be going to YouTube a lot until then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je8mrb31D1g
  14. Is there an expected release date for Klingon translation?
  15. Installed without a hitch! Added exclusion for my AV & re-added Mbam exclusions into my AV. Running lighter so far!
  16. I guess it's not too bad, it's better than dial up! I wouldn't mind it being a bit faster though, mainly for video-streaming purposes. I was also downloading the newest version of Malwarebytes when I did the test, so I don't know if that skewed it at all. And it is still downloading. Seems like it takes a lot longer than it used to, then again it is a new version so that's okay
  17. Mainard, Excellent, so I only have to run mbam clean, and not un-install it first, good to know You're welcome, I like to do what I can
  18. If one has been using the beta, should a clean install be done for the new version? Uninstall > re-boot- > mbam-clean > then install newest version?
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