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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. You can also purchase a pre-paid credit card (Visa, MC, and Amex all have one, I am not sure about Discover) at almost any grocery or drug store. However, I would register it (most require you to register it if you are going to use it for online purchases) VIA PHONE since your computer seems to be compromised. I would never enter any personal information using such a machine.
  2. Happy Fourth everyone!!! Be safe!!!
  3. Well you showed the example of VB so that's why I said that Sounds like some programs were broken and/or are not installed properly. Did you use a registry cleaner at all? You should try uninstalling, rebooting, and then re-install any programs that are doing this. It's not exactly normal for this to be happening all the time and on multiple programs. You should actually probably post in the PC Help Forum
  4. Do you have Visual Basic? Looks like it may be an error from or related to that program....
  5. Hello and welcome Enjoy your stay here!
  6. Hello and thanks for dropping by! I hope your daughter continues to get better. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers
  7. Silly Google Always throwing us for a loop, heh heh.
  8. A couple of html/web building websites: http://www.htmlgoodies.com http://www.webmonkey.com
  9. Hello and welcome. Enjoy your stay here
  10. Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay here
  11. This is an old thread so please don't reply to it, but, check it out: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=47236&view=findpost&p=234067
  12. Awesome I'll report back to you once I have done this, most likely via PM.
  13. Probably a silly question, but once installed is it pretty self-explanatory how to use it? I can't really seem to find any how-tos on the website.
  14. Sure, I'll do that Would you mind linking me again? I am not sure if I still have the Wireshark link.
  15. I'll see if I can find a way to contact them about this, also I have another show I watch on Hulu so I'll see if it happens during that show to and if so then I should definitely contact them. I am not sure if I got the IP block from an advertisement or from the streaming of the show itself. But before/during/right after the IP block, the show just kinda froze and/or wouldn't really play very well and I could not watch it in fullscreen. I ended up just watching it on the ABC Family website which is the company that produces the show. http://www.hulu.com/support/support_form << That's about the best I can find in terms of how to contact them.
  16. That's alright, no worries Thank you for clarifying for me, that makes sense. Hopefully Hulu resolves this soon and will change their advertisements so that this does not happen... do you happen to have any contact(s) with them? I use the site quite a bit and this is my first time having an issue brought to my attention from my security software.
  17. Thank you for the information Steven I am pretty sure that it was #2 because I only saw it when on Hulu when I was trying to watch that episode and I have not seen that IP or any IP blocked since. Is what you just told me what the above means?
  18. I realized that after I posted Thank goodness its not from poo! @Screen317 I still wouldn't want to eat it though... makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.
  19. Could you please clarify a little bit to me what this means? Am I to worry if I get this IP blocked?
  20. er, as long as that is not made out of Poop-derived wheat, Exile :lol:
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