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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ BJT: You are very welcome! My online friend "G" advised me not to use them (he is an IT person) and Exile also advised me not to use registry cleaners. Basically my understanding from what they told me is that they are pretty much unnecessary, and unless you totally and completely know what you are doing, they could do more harm than good. Also there is little to no noticeable impact on performance and speed of the computer - you will hardly notice a difference in speed, if you notice one at all. Thankfully in my case I don't think I damaged anything, but I did have that annoying windows installer thing that I mentioned.
  2. @ AdvancedSetup Thank you I do keep everything up to date, and I recently purchased Malwarebytes These things are really scary. Of course FB will be a target because it has millions upon millions of people that use it. ech :/
  3. @ Nosirrah Thanks I didn't know that there were ways other than facebook to get the worm. ech. When you say "I am seeing both the facebook worm and system security rogue install with juts about everything I research", What do you mean by that? By visiting a website or actually installing something? I hardly surf at all and keep my internet usage to my email, this site, msn.com and other news sites, and a few other sites, due to the huge malware risks on the internet these days, but I do do a little bit of surfing once in a while.
  4. Thanks Exile I haven't added AdBlock plus yet or NoScript, but I plan to soon Do you know if in general if you can get it just by logging onto and using the site? Such as if I signed on on another computer without these protections, or at a friends house, etc... ?
  5. @ bjt: Honestly I wouldn't recommend it. They don't really speed up your computer at all, at least not noticeably It's a common myth that Registry cleaners "improve performance and make your computer faster..." blah blah. Of course I found that out AFTER I had already used one... And if you don't know what you are doing, you can mess up your computer. I used one and had some Windows Installer issues. It was really annoying, but I ended up fixing it with the Windows Installer Cleanup tool & I don't think I caused any permanent damage. I will never do anything with my registry again unless under the guidance of someone who knows what they are doing, because I certainly don't.
  6. Try going here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=17607 And see if that might help you at all
  7. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if someone can contract Koobface (and any other virus/worm/malware) that is put on a users computer via a social networking site such as Myspace/Facebook etc...) just by logging on and using the site or if you actually have to do something such as click on a link? I used to use MySpace a lot and I still have one, but I barely use it. I have been using Facebook a lot lately, but ever since I learned about Koobface, I have been kind of avoiding it. I'd like to keep using it and myspace as that's how I keep in touch with some people, but if I am at risk for contracting something onto my computer... ugh I NEVER click on any links on FB (other than the little alerts that pop up to tell you when someone has left you a comment, etc...) and I know all about the links to a YouTube video... bad bad bad to click on.
  8. Do you mean like a fudge flavored ice cream or an ice cream with fudge in it?
  9. Hi I was just wondering, if you eat ice cream, what is your favorite kind of ice cream? Mine is/was Mint Chip and Cookie Dough, and then I discovered Moose Tracks. Now Moose Tracks is my #1 fav but I still love the other two.
  10. Were you recently infected? Or are you just having issues with it not installing correctly? If you were recently infected, please go here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=17607 If you were not, someone who is more knowledgeable than I should be able to help you I can't assist you any further than this.
  11. Gary C: Please go HERE: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9573 And follow all instructions that AdvancedSetup provides. Thank you
  12. @ TeMerc Thanks for letting me know this. I had just assumed that since the free version was not running in the background of the computer all the time, it didn't need to have any files added to exclusions. Thanks for correcting me on this! I haven't had any issues with my AVG (AV & Firefall in my case) thus far with free or PRO (just bought it about 3-4 days ago ), thankfully.
  13. @ victimized. This isn't about MBAM but, AVG lets you control the speed that it scans at? This would be nice for me since it takes about two hours or two and a half hours for my scan... very annoying. Plus my fan goes on loudly and the computer runs slow when its scanning. What version of AVG do you use?
  14. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there!
  15. @ victimized. I understand that you were posting that link and trying to help, but in case you didn't realize it, he is (or was if already fixed up) getting help from professionals who are very able to help him . You are on the MBAM website - don't be posting links to other help sites that aren't even guaranteed to fix him up. Its great that you were able to help your cousin, but you shouldn't be posting that on here.
  16. @ Nosirrah Sorry to butt in, but, is it a FP then since its been in the database for so long? Just curious.
  17. @ Exile Ugh, lovely.... thanks for the warning. I had it all cleaned up with MBAM and everything, and then McAfee whines about MBAM and then he goes and installs this on it. The computer honestly isn't even that slow... at least not compared to what mine was lol. My friends mother is the main one that uses this computer now, and she does financial stuff for a group she belongs to... peoples checks and whatnot are scanned in and PDF'd to her... which is one reason why I am concerned, and the other obviously... viruses and malware just don't need to be on computers Speaking of PDF... I need to update her Adobe and Java on there... I'm only there about once a month though (sometimes more), and I'm there to visit, but I try to do what I can on the computer too while I am there. She doesn't know much about computers at all, and didn't want to pay for any AV. At least the ISP provides something, even if it is McAfee :/. Before she dl'd that, I had AVG free on there, and had been considering AVAST or AVIRA, but now she's set with McAfee.
  18. @ Nossirah & Exile Thank you very much for clearing this up for me. I'm glad to know that at least it's not a virus or an actual rogue itself. I'll clean it off that machine next time I visit though, and I hope that Mbam will work on it again. 'tupid McAfee I think he downloaded a few other things too. Can't remember what they are though.
  19. @ Psst Oh, okay. The reason I was asking was because if it was the free version there shouldn't be any interference (as far as I know) but with a paid version there could be a potential issue, which is (again, as far as I know) generally fixable. Usually you just need to allow mbam to an exceptions or allowed list. I can't assist you any further than this. If you experience any problems please let someone more knowledgeable than I know and they can assist you in getting your programs to work together in harmony
  20. @ victimized I might be mistaken, but, I think that site itself is bad? I thought I read that on here somewhere, but I could be mistaken. I hovered over your link to see what it was, but I did not click.
  21. @ AdvancedSetup Do you have a Java calculator in your last post to me in this thread or are you talking about the webpage that I gave you a link to? I'm just checking because I do not see one in your post. Would you be able to answer some questions for me about NoScripts and what it blocks/prevents and if MBAM Pro would also block these infections or is that only the job of NoScripts?
  22. hi Psst! as far as I know you shouldn't find any conflicts. If you do, please post and someone with more knowledge than I should be able to help you figure out how to put MBAM on the allowed list/exceptions with NOD32. I don't think it will slow your computer performance to run both. Malwarebytes is pretty light on system resources. I am running AVG Internet Security and MBAM Pro together, and they seem to be fine together and not slowing down anything Are you running the paid or free version of Malwarebytes?
  23. @ Nosirrah Hmm. So it sounds to me that this program (regcure) is in fact, something that should not be used and is a rogue? Or is it borderline?
  24. Thanks Sulliman Good to know its legit. He told me that it was free though? (regcure). He said it was a really good cookie cleaner? I have been meaning to download CC cleaner on that machine, I just haven't been able to yet. I need to dl it on here too I've been using ATF cleaner for a few months now, but I only do it once a month or so. Hmm I've used some PC Tools products before and didn't have good luck with them. Slowed down my system horribly. Thanks anyway though for the recommendation.
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