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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. My friends desktop that had the Antivirus 2009 on it... Well I cleaned that off with MBAM And I ran ATF cleaner on it as well. Well I was just looking through RubbeR DuckY's postings in the Malware Removal Guides and Self Help Guides.. and I came across a couple of fake programs that were supposedly for "curing the registry".... Another friend of ours downloaded something called RegCure on her desktop towards the end of May. I hadn't touched it since the beginning of May (last time I was there until early June recently). McAfee had had an issue with Mbam apparently, so they got rid of that (hopefully I can get it to work again next time I am there). She's complained that the computer is really slow (and has been for a few years now). It's an XP, Service Pack 3, and was probably purchased in 2002 or 2003. This friend of ours deleted my old account off of there thinking that might be why it was slow (I used to live there so I used this computer a lot), but my files got saved, thankfully. I put them on a thumb drive, but I don't dare put them on my computer now because of the past Antivirus 2009 infection, even though I think I cleaned it off. So he downloaded RegCure. The only protection it has now is McAfee :/ Does anyone know if RegCure is legit? I asked him about it when he called my friend last time I was there, but he was half drunk :/ He said it was a really good program... I googled it but I didn't dare actually click on any of the links just in case, I just read the one or two liners that come up when you do a search. It looked like it was okay but who knows.
  2. That's what I thought but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. I am too tired (and admittedly too lazy lol) right now to check and see if they were updated afterwards, but my guess is that they probably were. I saw that a IE 7 wasn't installed several times (failed) and then was late ron. I'll check at some point soon to see if the same is true with these.
  3. Bjt: Oh no! I'm sorry that you mixed up the two names! AdAware is indeed real & useful, but Adware... oh my. I hope you contacted your bank and had your card canceled and got a new one with a new number issued. I used to use AdAware but then it stopped updating... a coworker uses it on his personal computer, its an anniversary edition and its free. I would suggest posting an MBAM log and a HiJackThis in this forum: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 to have someone double-check and see if you are clean or not, since you had that awful rogue on your computer :/ over 3,000 incidents? eak! I am willing to bet that there is something leftover on your system now :/ Lesson learned for us all: If it pops up and says you have infections and then have to buy it to remove it, its probably either fake and/or only wants $$. I found out with Spyware Doctor... I downloaded it, scanned, then found out I had to buy it. I bought it of course but as far as I know its legit. ::sigh:: thankfully an online friend directed me to Malwarebytes
  4. @ Exile: eak I hope Spyware Doctor isn't a rogue :/
  5. @ AdvancedSetup: Thanks! I googled Windows 7 today and found a page about it on microsofts website and poked around on it. It looks really interesting.
  6. hmm. Well this it was like constant, and it hadn't happened before. like 2-3 popups all at once... :/
  7. How would one go about disabling Auto Run? It's rather annoying, and now I know it can be dangerous :/
  8. Monkeys: I don't think that it is a false positive. Malware can change your settings and make these results come up. The other reason they can come up is if you changed your settings. Have you recently been infected (as far as you know) by a virus, trojan, malware, spyware, or anything like that? and.or have you changed your firewall/antivirus/any other security settings on your own? Please, check and make sure that your firewall and anti virus protection is on!! I have had this result come up before. If you choose to remove it, make sure immediately afterwards you check to make sure that your firewall and antivirus is on and that all settings are correct! I can't really advise you further than this so hopefully someone else will step in and help you out with this
  9. @ yardbird huh whoa really confused...
  10. @ AdvancedSetup aw geeze. Wow. so what exactly is it tracking? does it only thru IE or just using your computer in general? I'll check this out later when I get home. Time to get to CC cleaner I guess! Do you know if ATF would clean it up?
  11. Thank you victimized. I'd say that that is probably the problem except it only happens in Firefox, the pop up blocker is on, and she had a bad virus. :/ I think something might be on her computer or it might be a bug. I'm afraid that just blocking the pop ups isn't really enough.
  12. So I found out! ::grumble grumble:: I wish I had known that first, then I would have never bought the program... waste of $20. At least I got it at a discount. Everything else I use has been working fine, yes. We never used that paint shop thing anyway since it was a trial that came with the computer and that didn't work other than to display pictures, and the Word Perfect probably should have stayed since he doesn't have WORD on here, but too late now. If I ever need it I'll have to buy it I guess. Only thing I am concerned about is Sonic, hope that wasn't critical for anything. Guess not since everything seems to work fine. I wrote down everything that got uninstalled. It's probably lost in the EXTREMELY messy desk we have. (which is my fault, haha).
  13. heh. When I had trouble with desktop maestro I uninstalled like three things coz it kept making windows installer pop up with different programs that I guess the registry key had gone missing to, like something from sonic and jasc paint shop, word perfect, and something else. I hope I didn't damage anything at that time. I would uninstall, restart, and then another thing with windows installer would pop up, it was so annoying. finally I went to the windows installer cleanup tool
  14. Thanks yardbird. I know I do worry too much. It's a problem sometimes. I worry about way too many things when I need to just chill. Thanks, I will, although its night now I have a date with my pillow that I cannot be late for! You have a great night/day as well.
  15. awww. It's okay! You're not a geek with no life, come on now!
  16. @ Exile: Thanks for checking that for me I ALWAYS manually update and scan (if its an AV or something) with programs anyway even if they do have auto updates and what not So that should take care of that.
  17. I just bought the pro version, and just wanted to make sure that my settings and everything were all correct and if there was anything else that I should do.
  18. Exile, Okay, thank you! I'll talk to you later then! Almost time for me to get off the computer.
  19. Okay, thanks! Hopefully I can get to all of this tomorrow evening (and still squeeze in some relaxing time to take a breather from work), otherwise next time I have a chance. I actually spent my whole afternoon/night on the computer today :X oops. Oh well, I hadn't been on for very long in a long while, so its okay I guess I'll keep you updated! When I am all done with all of this, should I do another autoruns folder for you?
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