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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Edit: It's updating fine now, must've been Comodo (Original problem: Mbam wouldn't update, said not responding. Had used mbam clean, still wouldn't work).
  2. Hi Diazafan That certainly doesn't seem normal, but maybe for your computer it is? Are you running Vista? Also, this post should probably be in the PC Help or the General Malwarebytes Anti-Malware forum. I'll PM a staff member to see if they can move it, RogueNet is not really the right place for it Unfortunately I don't really have the answer for you; I don't know a whole lot about computers yet, but I'm trying to learn
  3. @ Raid You're welcome, and thank you too, ever so much!
  4. One more thing that you might want to download, Spyware Blaster. It provides passive protection in your browser, and works with Internet Explorer and Firefox. You can download it Here and there is information about it here: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html#Overview Let me know if you have any questions on how to use it if you choose to install it
  5. @ Diazafan You are very welcome!! Glad to hear that you'll be purchasing Malwarebytes It's a wonderful program created and maintained by wonderful people. Again, you're welcome Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions! Cheers
  6. Hello Diazafan and welcome to the forum! I voted yes While the free version provides excellent protection in scanning and removing threats that already exist on your system, purchasing the paid version will provide you with realtime protection that will protect your computer in the background as you use the internet, open and save files, etc... it blocks download of malicious files and software, as well as blocks connection to malicious IP addresses. So, basically the paid version blocks the download of malicious items in the first place, vs. removing items after you've already been infected. So yes, I would say that it is well worth your money to purchase Malwarebytes! Hope this helped!
  7. I was just clicking around on different links on the Mozilla site, to read about different Mozilla things, and I got an IP block. I had three tabs open at once, so I am not sure which site it was, although I just reopened (one by one) all the Mozilla tabs that I had closed after the IP block appeared, and it seems to be the Planet Mozilla Page. The page loaded though, so I imagine it was a link or an advertisement? I have attached a screenshot. Just checking to see if its a FP or not. Just found this odd on a Mozilla site. IP:
  8. All this talk about older OS's makes me wanna get my parents old Windows 95 computer (they still have it up in the attic or something) and play around with it, but I don't know what I'd do with it or why I'd be doing it (not to mention I don't really have anyplace to put it). I just remember really liking Windows 95 It came with a Windows 98 upgrade CD, and I tried installing it more than once, but it never worked right, the internet wouldn't work right, computer wouldn't work right, etc, so I was uninstalling it alot, and using the Windows 95 installation disk to wipe the drive and start over a lot too... lots of fun times After reading around on this forum, now I know why it didn't work most likely - I was installing 98 on top of 95 instead of a clean install, which at the time being quite young I had no idea about any of that really. I also used the original Mozilla browser (not Firefox) on that computer I remember liking that a lot.
  9. @ Calintexas Thanks for your response Er, what does that mean, esp the OEM recovery partition part? I am kind of computer illiterate still in some respects @ AdvancedSetup Oh okay, cool So are you saying that if I DID need to reformat/replace files, etc, it would be okay to use the Professional CD even though I have the Home version? Eh yeah. I'll order as soon as possible, hopefully within the next month or two (several biggie things to pay for already this month which take precedence... heh).
  10. Oh, okay, thanks for the clarification Ron. Hmm, just so I am clear in the future, what types of sites are considered known good sites?
  11. Found this on the Microsoft site Helps you select a laptop to suit your needs. Enjoy! http://www.microsoft.com/windows/pc-scout/
  12. @ Chimpy Yeah, last I read on Hulu recently, they hope to be available to users in more countries as soon as possible, but for now are only accessible in the US. The same goes for the ABC Family's official website, which I also use to watch some ABC shows on.
  13. @ Chimpy Oh, I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that you can only get Hulu in the USA. I'll go back and edit the post I have a feeling that your sites will probably only work in the UK/Britain.
  14. hulu.com Thought I'd share this here... enjoy Note: This site is only accessible to users in the United States. Thank you Exile for telling me about this site!
  15. Thanks AdvancedSetup I have the Home edition, though. Does this matter? So Microsoft doesn't sell it directly then, huh? I still haven't found it on their website. That's a little hefty, but if I ever need it I know where to get it
  16. I'm surfing around on the Microsoft website reading about various things to educate myself on computers more I am also looking where I might possibly be able to purchase an XP CD (preferrably SP3) just in case I ever needed to reformat or restore corrupted files or anything like that, as my computer did not come with disks. I do have a disk from an old XP laptop, but that should probably just stay with the laptop Could anyone point me in the right direction for this? I think it would be a good idea to have, just in case
  17. That's pretty cool Ron The oldest OS that I know that I used is Windows 95, that was our families first computer and I really liked it (I used the original Mozilla browser on it too). I know I must've used older ones in school as a kid, but I have no idea what the OS was. I used Mac's a lot in school too.
  18. What you could do is keep a wordpad or a notepad document and record everything you are finding, and then show that to the person that helps you if you'd like Its definitely a good idea to not post every new thing you find though (at least before you have a helper), because as you know now, more replies when you don't have a helper yet, looks as though you do have a helper. Also, please refrain from further trying to fix it while you are waiting for help and when you begin getting help - this could change things and make it more difficult for your helper. You should, if at all possible, keep your computer disconnected from the internet until you begin receiving help. Autoruns is cool. I've used it to get my computer to startup faster with help from Exile. I didn't know it could be used to help stop nasties too, that's good to know You are very welcome! good luck, you'll be in good hands!
  19. I believe that the topics are closed, they are meant as guides to help you if you are having trouble. If they weren't closed, there would be a lot of replies and the entire thread would get very confusing. Edit: They are closed to reply, I just hit reply on one of them and I do not have permission. I believe only Mods or Admins would have permission to reply to these guide topics. If people choose to, they can post in the General Forum and reference the guide that they used and say if it worked or not, or they can post that information along with any logs or any other details in the HJT forum.
  20. @ Wudstock Take a peek around in the HiJackThis forum and read some of the others posts (but do not reply in any of them). As you'll be able to see, this is really the only way that you can be helped. Experts need those logs to review what may be going on with your computer. If you are unable to run any programs to produce a log, just write as much detail as you can about what your problem is and someone will get to you as soon as possible, usually 2-4 days, as its quite busy in there at the moment. There really isn't an easy way, unfortunately. If Malwarebytes is unable to install and.or remove your infection, you can take a look at some of the topics here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12873 http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12713 http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12709 and see if those will help you. If it is unable to run, there maybe be something hidden in your system that is blocking it, and an expert will need to review your issue. Also, please when replying hit "add reply" at the bottom of the page or erase what I said to you; this makes the forum easier to read.
  21. Hello Wudstock and welcome to the forums! Also, please be patient. There are a lot of people here that need help. Honestly, there was only 6 minutes time from when you replied to your first post, people are not always able to respond immediately. Please read the following entirely, paying special attention to the Note at the bottom in green: Scan and post logs - read note at bottom in green If you're having Malware related issues with your computer that you're unable to resolve. Please read and follow the instructions provided here: I'm infected - What do I do now? If needed please post your logs in a NEW topic here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs When posting logs please do not use any Quote, Code, or other tags. Please copy/paste directly into your post and do not attach files unless requested. Please do not post any logs in the General forum. We do not work on any logs posted in the General forum. Please do not install any software or use any removal/scanning tool except for those you're requested to run by the Helper that will assist you. Using these other tools often makes the cleanup task more difficult and time consuming. If you have already submitted for assistance at one of the other support sites on the Internet then you should not post a new log here, you should stay working with the Helper from that site until the issue is resolved. Do not assume you're clean because you don't see something in the logs. Please wait until the person assisting you provides feedback. There are often many others that require assistance as well, so please be patient. If no one has responded within 48 hours then please go ahead and post a request for review NOTE: If for some reason you're unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one. If you can't even run HijackThis, then just proceed and post a NEW topic as shown in the second link describing your issues and someone will assist you as soon as they can.
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