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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Thrill Malwarebytes removes and detects things that are not already well covered by an antivirus. It's designed to catch what AV's are not good at or cannot completely remove. Here is a link for the Avira download given to me by an expert here, and its the one that I used to get Avira onto two machines (one I installed myself and the other I guided her). Just go with the default settings Let me know if you need any help scheduling the scans. The one that I set up I set it to scan twice a week. You can have it set for as often or as little as you want.
  2. Josh88, It's good that you have your UAC on. You need to post your log in the link I give below though, as malware removal is not worked on in the general forums. http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 Thank you
  3. Thanks, I will. Yes, but I went and did my own thing after following your instructions, so it would not have been your fault. I was trying something that could have worked but I was NOT being careful/paying attention and making sure I was using a copy and then I deleted the files from the recycle bin to top it off which was really daft. lol.
  4. Oh yeah, after I recover it to my iPod as well, I am going right to bed, and I'll fiddle with everything else later. Yes, sleep is quite necessary You should try to get sleep more often too Thanks again for all of your help with this. If not for you helping me out I think I would have been totally screwed. I wish that there was something I could do for you in return.
  5. Awesome, thanks Very true. I am half asleep here, so not registering much at this point
  6. That's good to know, thanks AdvancedSetup I have started using Pidgin though, so I don't get to use most of those anymore unfortunately. There are some really cool ones though
  7. K cool. Thanks I'm already up so I might as well do it now, it didn't take that long before anyway.
  8. Thank you I though that that was what I should do, but since I already royally screwed up something tonight I wanted second pair of eyes. woohoo all is not lost!!! ::sends you a virtual Sonic Java Chiller drink:: Edit: I restored EVERYTHING to a folder I named "music" on the Desktop. So my music is back ;) However, I have no idea what to do with it all, since there are a lot of DB files as well. Do you think I should leave the computer alone until I can get to it tomorrow and restore all of the files to the iPod itself as well? Recuva recommend restoring to another drive/location (just in case I guess), so that's why I restored to a music folder.
  9. Okay, one more thing to bug ya with regarding this... re-did a deep scan on the iPod, some of the files were deleted in 2007 or earlier, so I don't need to worry about those files (I should have paid attention to the date the first time, lol). I found a whole list of things that looks to be pretty much what I deleted tonight. I am not sure if I should recover it ALL or just the songs with actual names. If you know the answer, awesome, if not, that's okay too.
  10. Maybe I'll try that second idea you have, because the scanning of the iPod brought up a lot of files I don't recognize, but are related to the iPod, and I am not all sure what I am supposed to be recovering really.
  11. Thats okay. I used your first one, and I already downloaded it, I hope that was okay/safe. Anyway, the quicker scan showed only temps really, so I did a deep scan and its nearly done... I hope I don't screw up my comptuer or anything by doing this... ahhh. Thank you again, you are a lifesaver. This will teach me to do things when I am kind of tired...
  12. Well, I dragged the music folder from the iPod into the folder I made on my computer, and neglected to make sure it was COPYING not CUTTING... then put it in the recycle bin and then emptied it to try again... that'll teach me to EMPTY the recycle bin right away when deleting stuff. Edit: Link you gave me didn't go right to the download; but no matter, I can find it on the page it took me to (Piriform main page). Using this link. Hope that's alright Edit again: Nevermind, just copied link location, pasted it in a new tab, and download started So I'll use your link instead of the one I found
  13. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Going to go do this ASAP So much for going to bed earlier than usual
  14. Exile, I think that you are exactly right. I clicked on a picture I attached there, and it wouldn't even let me download my own attachment. It's definitely to protect users from accidental infection
  15. I accidentally erased all my music!!! Do you know of any way to fix this?
  16. @ Exile Finally getting to doing this tonight Just a quick question for you - Should I re-check those options once I am finished?
  17. idd00jea To remove your picture: Please go to "my controls" at the top of the page. Scroll down. On the left, you'll see some options. Click on "manage your attachments". Find the one that you want to delete. Click the checkbox next to it. Scroll to the bottom. Click "delete selected". Also, when replying please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.
  18. Sweet, good to know Exile. I guess it wasn't like that when I was using it
  19. @ Chimpy You're very welcome. That's super awesome that Chrome won't crash the whole thing when just one tab crashes. I hate when I have to close out everything. One thing I try to do (but don't always) is when I am writing an email, or in this forum or whatever, to copy all of the text I am writing once in a while just in case of a crash. You could also begin typing it in a Word document or a Wordpad document, and then when finished paste it in to whatever you were going to write it into. Thankfully, I don't usually get crashes anymore. (I got more of those on IE when I used to use it more )
  20. Thanks for the additional information, Exile And yes, you have
  21. Chimpy, Have you considered Iron instead? http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...amp;#entry33145
  22. psst... you could try saving it as a jpg and then attaching it
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