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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Hi lazydave46 I think it is possible, but I don't really know any details on it unfortunately. If you are comfortable using a website that is designed for communication, www.stickam.com is a website where you can connect with family and friends and use voice and/or webcam chatting. You can make your profile private and your communications private as far as I know. All you need is a computer and internet connection, of course, and a microphone I use it sometimes and it works despite all of my security measures (an Internet Security Suite, Mbam Paid, and a HOSTS file). If you use AIM (aol instant messenger), I know that that offers a voice chat option, at least last I used it. Yahoo! Messenger also has a voice chat, last I knew, and MSN messenger. I stopped using those though, in favor of a messaging client that combines all three and more, but I don't think that it supports voice chat, at least not at this time It's called Pidgin, if you're interested. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.
  2. Hello Jehanzeb, and welcome to Malwarebytes.org A very Happy New Year to you as well! We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Basically, please re-post your post at this link here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 As we do not work on malware removal in the general forums. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours or more at busier times to get a response, so please be patient and do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been longer than 48 hours. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add-reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  3. Hello snuckinsnow and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please re-post your post here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 As we do not work on malware removal in the general forums. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours or more at busier times to get a response, so please be patient and do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been longer than 48 hours. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add-reply" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  4. Hello Utopian May I ask why you can't share which Anti-Virus it is? Unfortunately, AV's don't catch everything, that's where a product such as Malwarebytes (The one that I recommend of course ) comes in. It is a one-time fee of $24.95 for home users for a lifetime of use, and can be transferred to a new computer after proper removal from the old computer if it is not going to be used anymore as a paid version on the old computer. Of course, Malwarebytes is ALWAYS free for home-use for manual updates and on-demand scanning. The paid version opens up real-time protection for your computer to block threats before they get in, automatic updates, and scheduled scanning. Good luck with all of the directions, and if there is anything you aren't comfortable doing or anything you have trouble with, just do all that you can and just post what you were able to do in the Malware Removal Forum.
  5. @ GT500 Oh, okay, thanks for looking into it His avator is also blocked for me for some reason, I think by my HOSTS file.
  6. @ GT500 It was only happening when I went to the first page of this thread, as far as I could tell. Edit: Just cleared my FX history, then ran ATF & CCleaner... came back on, and it's only happening on the first page. Probably is an image like Exile said. Second Edit: I think its from Joshua's site, unfortunately: As I got an IP block simply visiting the Google Cache after Googling his website as I could find no other cause for the IP block on the first page. And when going to the site directly, I get a Problem Loading Page. And now a complete IP block along with that.
  7. Would you like a screen shot of my plugins, Mona? Edit: I took a screen shot for you anyway Java is disabled because I have gotten rid of it completely and for some reason that part was leftover. I've disabled Adobe Reader until the patch is out (I have applied the java script disable-ment fix though) and Flash I leave disabled most of the time lately unless I need it And I have no idea what the Microsoft DRM is or the Microsoft Dynamic Link library is either, but I figure they're probably harmless. Anything else that you might need to know and.or see?
  8. Um, I just wanted to say, I just got an IP block whilst visiting this thread, I have no idea why. And I am only in this forum currently in my browser, and signed into Pidgin.
  9. @ moto377 Hello and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org I don't think that's overkill, no Layered protection is a GREAT thing to have Currently, I use AVG Internet Security, MBAM Paid, SpyBot (Immunization only, no TeaTimer), Spyware Blaster, and most recently added to my security collection, HostsMan & a nice HOSTS file with that I feel pretty safe online now with all of that going. And of course, applications, plug-ins, and programs need to be kept up to date as well. I would recommend you also getting a HOSTS file, and you might consider switching from AVG to Avira or Microsoft Security Essentials, both of which I could give you links to if you are interested As a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  10. Hello TN-jim and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org. We do not work on malware removal in the general forums, so please re-post your original post in this forum here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 So that someone can assist you in cleaning your system. Please note that it can take 48 hours or sometimes more during very busy periods, so please be patient and do not reply to your own post requesting help again unless its been longer than 48 hours. After posting there, please bookmark or save to your favorites list the link that you have your log in so that you can easily get to it to check on the status of your post. Also, as side note, when replying, please use the add reply button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forums easier to read. Thank you
  11. Hello Utopian! A Happy New Year to you as well! So, am I correct in reading your post that you have found ONE instance of this in the computer in general (NOT system restore) and then ONE instance in system restore? The detection in system restore is whats in the system restore files and detections found in there actually can't harm your system anymore UNLESS you use an infected restore point. If this is the case, that you have only found one instance in each spot, it sounds as though Malwarebytes has taken care of the infection. However, I strongly urge you to take a visit over to the Malware removal forums just to get your system checked over by an expert per noknojon's directions for that above to ensure that there is nothing else lurking on your system. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  12. I actually haven't had any crashes, at least not yet, with Firefox. 3.5.6 here
  13. Thank you Firefox! Happy New Year to you and yours as well and, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS EVERYONE!!!
  14. Hmmm. I know someone who has a laptop cooling fan and next time I see him I'll ask him about this... in the meantime, I hope someone else has an answer for you too
  15. I still haven't tested this guys, but I'll try to soon. I'll post back here when I do.
  16. Hello and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org That is kind of strange, suzq. I installed SP2 on a Vista that had (free) Mbam installed, and no problems at all. It could be the cause of your issue, but I highly doubt it :/ Did they have any other ideas? And yes, follow Firefox's directions below Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read. Thank you
  17. @ johnb123 Please see extremeboy's post here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=175128 (And his post right above that one) You may PM him to request re-opening of your post if you'd like to go forth with removal, and I recommend that you do. And I'll reply to your PM soon. Been busy
  18. Volvic, Sometimes toolbars come with Facebook apps too If you use Facebook, that might be why you got it. Anyway, follow sho-dan's directions above As a side note, please use the ADD REPLY button when replying or erase what the person before you said and address them as @username or something similar, as this makes the forum easier to read.
  19. Ah, I see. I will definitely test this out as soon as possible, Exile. Thanks
  20. @ Exile Oh, okay. I know what the download manager is, but I wasn't quite sure what you meant by the other thing. So even before I hit download or before I hit save after choosing download, its already downloaded into a temp folder? Is that what you're saying here?
  21. @ Exile I have mine set up to download to the desktop, but prior to download I am asked if I want to download or not and from there I can save to the desktop or I can choose where to save the file (aside from PDF files) What do you mean about the download manager, I am a bit confused. @ Alan Ah, I see. Yeah, Adobe Reader is a pretty big file. If you have a friend with a known clean machine and a faster internet connection, an option for downloading large files might be to use their computer and save the setup to a flash drive.
  22. You're welcome, Alan Glad that you ridded your system of the unnecessary add-ons Oh, I see. May I ask what kind of a connection you have? Or do you mean that the Adobe download it self takes forever? Hmm. Doesn't sound right. Well, if you hit save, it should download. I'll show a screen shot of my setup when I get home of my Firefox setup as far as downloads, and you can see what I have set up, and what happens when I try to download something. Maybe you don't have a setting right? Tell me what your setup is like, and then you can compare it to my set up when I post it for you, and I can tell you exactly what mine does too. I don't think I am clear on what you mean here though, I'll re-read through this thread again when I have a sec. Yes, they are I love love their music hehe. Edit: Oh, OT means off topic hehe. I wasn't sure what that meant at first.
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