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Protection Log Sequencing

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Running Pro Version - It seems whenever I do a manual quick scan from the GUI, and locate the Log, it is out of sequence within Date.

Scrolling up, then down within the Log file, then puts it in proper order within date.

Reference the 08-13-2011 03:12:58 Entry.


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Hello Ksiemb,

Yep, close mbam.exe then open it again. Then please check if the log entries have been sorted appropriately.

Thank you.

Hello Mainard. A different senario this time. Booted the system hour or so ago, got my update, and flash scan, as scheduled.

Log shows flash scan our of sequence.

Closed MBAM, and reopened from System Tray; Flash Scan Still out of sequence.

I closed and reopened twice, but still shows out of sequence.



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Normally you shouldn't but perhaps it was clicked at some point and you never realized it.

Nothing was inadvertently cvlicked. Again this morning, 1st update after boot, with Flash Scan, puts the Flash Scan log out of sequence. The protection Log, on the other hand is in sequence, as the last entry, where it should be. Is there going to be a fix for this ?

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