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Greetings and welcome :)

The PRO version contains the Scheduler which allows you to set scheduled updates as well as scans so that you can automate the update and scan processes. You'll likely find Section O of our FAQ to be quite helpful. It provides a step by step guide on using the Scheduler to set up automatic updates and scans.

Please let us know if there's anything else that we can assist you with.

Thanks :)

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One question, if I've turned off my computer 12:59 and my schedule update will be 13:00, and I boot up 13:29, will the program update itself immediately, or do I have to update myself?

Edit your update and set the "Recover if update.." to 23 hours.

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One question, if I've turned off my computer 12:59 and my schedule update will be 13:00, and I boot up 13:29, will the program update itself immediately, or do I have to update myself?

Just to add and to answer your question, in this case it should update just fine cause the updater default is set to update if missed by one hour, unless you edited the schedule when you set it up.

But to ensure it always update if it is missed do as ksiemb stated and Edit your update and set the "Recover if missed" to 23 hours.

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Greetings and welcome :)

The PRO version contains the Scheduler which allows you to set scheduled updates as well as scans so that you can automate the update and scan processes. You'll likely find Section O of our FAQ to be quite helpful. It provides a step by step guide on using the Scheduler to set up automatic updates and scans.

Please let us know if there's anything else that we can assist you with.

Thanks :)

Doh,, wow, do I feel foolish. Thanks for the info. Got it working, :)

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