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IT Expert

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I was wondering how many people on this form uses and or have heard of this program called crossloop. If not you can learn more here http://www.crossloop.com

Its based on VNC, and is very easy way to connect remotely to computers.

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I dont work for them, its a program and ANYONE can sign up to be a helper for free, you can do free work if you wish to,I offer free advice and diagnostics, just curious to see if anyone else does on here

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According to this, you offer "free estimates", quite different from "free advice and diagnostics";


Whilst you may not be employed by them, you do gain financially from them. As such, in the interests of full disclosure, it would have been prudent to mention this in your original post on this subject.

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According to this, you offer "free estimates", quite different from "free advice and diagnostics";


Whilst you may not be employed by them, you do gain financially from them. As such, in the interests of full disclosure, it would have been prudent to mention this in your original post on this subject.

Well mister expert if you read my full profile you would see the title FREE DIAGNOSTIC & ADVICE.

The "free estimates" is a built in feature to EVERYONEs page if you wish to display that.

I would have listed it on the first post but I can edit it my listings.

Crooploop doesnt pay anyone, customers pay, and only if you want them to not required, crossloop is TOTALY FREE to use for anyone. If you look around the market place you will see some people dont change anything. This is a great tool to use, because its FREE and very user friendly.

Could make some of your jobs even easier, instead of posting instructions on how to, you could do it for them, and not have to charge them anything if you dont want to.

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Well mister expert

I never claimed to be an "expert", I was just put into that user group.

if you read my full profile you would see the title FREE DIAGNOSTIC & ADVICE.

I did see that ........ but again, you missed the point. I'll leave you to re-read what I wrote to see if you can see it (the hint being, full disclosure).

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I think this boils down to a matter fo ethics, not of expertness. After working my butt off for about 4 years trying to help people on the internet and around 30K posts I have never tried to sell myself or my services. The internet has paid me back with knowledge and experience I could not get anywhere else, maybe it's the "last boy scout" syndrome.

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That's where I know that name from.

I tried CrossLoop and found it to be pretty poor, could barely hold a connection. I would guess its predicated on the users either end having considerably high end speeds (or at least high where I'm from).

I had much more success with GBridge.

The great news is with the newest client 2.41 its much better now, Its now faster than teamviewer. They are still working on a few cool features which will help out the connection. I have been connected to a computer for over 12hrs no problems

That's where I know that name from.

Are you talking about crossloop or me?

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IT Expert, while we're on the subject, I'm just curious about something (please try not to take offense, but I understand if you do). Why is it that you charge customers for online malware removal services (I visited the links that used to be in your signature) and yet here you are http://forum.hijackthis.de/showthread.php?p=246781 and here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8614 asking the advice of VOLUNTEERS to help you clean up a system (I do realize it's your cousin's, I believe you said). You also seem to be fishing around for a lot of info here, which don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting to learn, but you're already in business making money for yourself and yet here you are asking for our advice. I'm sorry, but it just seems curious to me. I understand wanting to make a living, and there is certainly nothing wrong with getting paid to do what you do, but it almost seems a bit abusive to me to milk a free forum for info to use so you can get paid. Maybe I'm wrong, and I have NO authority here, it's just something I was wondering about. Again, if I insulted you, I'm sorry, I'm just curious.

ps: sorry for loooong post

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I've used crossloop in the past, for remote connection, and found it very useful in helping friends with non-viral computer difficulties. It's saved me a good deal of time and gas money ( especially when the prices were thru the roof ). As far as charges for the service - I've never used those.. :)

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IT Expert, while we're on the subject, I'm just curious about something (please try not to take offense, but I understand if you do). Why is it that you charge customers for online malware removal services (I visited the links that used to be in your signature) and yet here you are http://forum.hijackthis.de/showthread.php?p=246781 and here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8614 asking the advice of VOLUNTEERS to help you clean up a system (I do realize it's your cousin's, I believe you said). You also seem to be fishing around for a lot of info here, which don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting to learn, but you're already in business making money for yourself and yet here you are asking for our advice. I'm sorry, but it just seems curious to me. I understand wanting to make a living, and there is certainly nothing wrong with getting paid to do what you do, but it almost seems a bit abusive to me to milk a free forum for info to use so you can get paid. Maybe I'm wrong, and I have NO authority here, it's just something I was wondering about. Again, if I insulted you, I'm sorry, I'm just curious.

ps: sorry for loooong post

When I find an issue that malwarebytes isnt fixing, by me posting about it is intended on making malwarebyte better. I'm a reseller of this product and only intent is not milking for free advice, because so far I havent learned anything that I didnt already know. I'm in search of a resolution in the nasty bug. The only way malwarebytes will be the best it can is if everyone that finds issues that are not being fixed by malwarebytes is by reporting it.

I know I mite have came off on here the wrong way, I do apologize if thats the case. I only charge people if I connect and do the job for them, anyone can copy and paste how to's for people for free which is what happens here. But when you do the work for them thats another story.

There are alot of people that do not want to follow the instructions and just want it fixed with out paying geek squad 300+ dollars. Thats where I come in, these are the people that will also be buying malwarebytes so its in the best interest to update malwarebytes with the needed definition to correct these types of issues.

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When I find an issue that malwarebytes isnt fixing, by me posting about it is intended on making malwarebyte better. I'm a reseller of this product and only intent is not milking for free advice, because so far I havent learned anything that I didnt already know.


Have you then learned how to edit registry permissions? :)

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Yeah, that does make a lot of sense, like I said, I was just curious (and I HATE GeekSquad's pricing, but that's another issue entirely). And yes, much of the time, pasting canned responses and basic walkthroughs is what gets done, but in the HijackThis forum it's a different story, once an expert starts digging into the logs and collecting samples, and sometimes even creating removal tools to fix particular issues, that's where the real skill comes in. And you'll note, that for the most part I am but a lowly copy-paster, but the mods and experts here are anything but.

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Have you then learned how to edit registry permissions? :)

lol ok you got me on that one, i do stand corrected! It didnt help the situation so it slipped my mind :)

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lol ok you got me on that one, i do stand corrected! It didnt help the situation so it slipped my mind :)

Just having a little fun man. :) I just want to take a moment and let you know that you are amongst some very professional persons in the field of antimalware. I'm sure if you stick around, we can probably teach you a thing or two. :)

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