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Legal Usage of MBAM - Free

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I am active on another Tech Forum in the Virus & Spyware Zones.

My basic recommendation for those with infected computers almost always includes downloading MBAM - Free as one of the steps in the repair process.

It was recently pointed out to me that "According the the Malwarebytes EULA...", it is a violation for a computer repair technician to use the "Free" version while doing repair work.

I would like to hear from one of the Malwarebytes folks and will link to the response as an authoritative reference for that comment.

Thank you.

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I might be corrected here by an Adninistrator but I believe if you are having the user download the "free" version and running it, there isn't any violation.

If you are using / installing MBAM on a customers pc as a process to repair the users pc, then you are in violation.

ALL of the sites I help at, suggest the user install / run MalwareBytes.

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Thank you for the post.

To clarify:

1. When I work on a system (as a repair tech), I buy and install the Premium version of MBAM. That is simply a condition of my scope of work for all customers. These are home users only - no Corporate/Enterprise clients.

2. When I post advice on other forums, I have no way of really knowing if I am advising a basic 'user' or a 'repair tech'. "Grinler" is probably the most prodigious MBAM advocate around, yet I've never seen him refer to the distinction - which may be deliberate on his part. Just post the instructions and not address the potential problem.

3. Encouraging repair techs to use this product to effect repairs (and demonstrate its amazing efficacy) would seem to be a pretty sharp marketing tool. Anyone who uses MBAM knows how good it is and why it should be on every Windows box out there.

I'll stand by to hear yours and other's thoughts on this.

Thanks again.

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Essentially what it comes down to is this: If you're using MBAM to clean up a user's system and getting paid for it, then that is an EULA violation, but if you're doing so for free (such as free advice posted on a website or help forum), then it isn't an EULA violation because you aren't using our software for your own profit. Basically, if you don't charge the users, we don't want to charge you :).

With regards to businesses, they are required to seek proper licensing if they use our products for cleaning their own company's PC's (that's what corporate licensing is for).

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Just to reinforce the question asked, and the responses given -

I am active on another Tech Forum in the Virus & Spyware Zones.

My basic recommendation for those with infected computers almost always includes downloading MBAM - Free as one of the steps in the repair process.

To quote OldMarine -

The above quote was the basis of the question asked , and I think exile360 has responded to that exact question.

Most online forums are permitted to post on the use of Malwarebytes Antimalware program to remove infections (free of charge).

This also points new customers here to purchase the Paid Version at times, which is good for keeping Malwarebytes in business. ;)

Many free versions of other tools are usually used on forums to help people for free and remove malware infections.

Thank You -

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Just to reinforce the question asked, and the responses given -

To quote OldMarine -

The above quote was the basis of the question asked , and I think exile360 has responded to that exact question.

Most online forums are permitted to post on the use of Malwarebytes Antimalware program to remove infections (free of charge).

This also points new customers here to purchase the Paid Version at times, which is good for keeping Malwarebytes in business. ;)

Many free versions of other tools are usually used on forums to help people for free and remove malware infections.

Thank You -

But just to clarify, OldMarine mentioned that often when these security forums give advice, they are under the impression that ANYONE can use the free version to remove infections. That seems like it's no longer true. For example, if your work computer is acting up and you go to one of these security forums for help and they advise you download MBAM to repair the problem . . . you cannot proceed with removal without contacting and waiting for a response from corporate sales? Is that correct? Seems the same would be true if your a computer tech trying to remove an infection (and that probably happens quite a lot on the tech forums).

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But just to clarify, OldMarine mentioned that often when these security forums give advice, they are under the impression that ANYONE can use the free version to remove infections. That seems like it's no longer true. For example, if your work computer is acting up and you go to one of these security forums for help and they advise you download MBAM to repair the problem . . . you cannot proceed with removal without contacting and waiting for a response from corporate sales? Is that correct? Seems the same would be true if your a computer tech trying to remove an infection (and that probably happens quite a lot on the tech forums).

Most online forums will only direct you to use MBAM as a private person and not as a company. They know the EULA also covers only private computers.

I reply on 4 main forums, and the advice is usually given to have 'Your IT people' look at the machine, as a repair to one unit within a corporation is at times often useless, due to the fact that computers working within a company environment are liable to be all infected, or will reinfect unless all are taken offline and treated one at a time.

That is where you need internal IT people to review infections and the help on a forum is generally useless at most times.

Looking at the logs that you request in helping people will show the main use of a computer and where or how it is used.

We therefore know it will be useless to only repair one of a 'group' of machines. That is why IT people install the company version on internal systems.

We cannot be held responsible if someone choses to try a free version on one machine, as it will not give any Real Time protection on the computers.

Thank You -

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Hi noknojon,

In a medium to large corporate network what your saying definitely applies, but what about the very small business though with 1-2 machines, etc. There are a lot of home businesses or tiny operations that would have the same type of setup (or very similiar) as a personal user. Some small businesses are run from the sole owner/employees laptop, etc.

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Looking at the logs that you request in helping people will show the main use of a computer and where or how it is used.

Hi Again -

I think this part of the answer above will be the one you need to read - A computer used 'mainly for any business' has many entries in their logs.

However a Personal computer that only has 'minor entries' could still pass as a personal computer.

I use one of mine to draw a few plans and keep a few records, but it is not a company computer. If it was I would have the Paid Version on that one.

It is never worth only having an 'on call scanner' on a computer that is used to keep any valuable company records. The sums just don't add up - -

I know of many one or two person companies that want Full Protection. They cannot afford to lose information due to any infection.

We do supply forms of online/email help for all our Paid Version customers, no matter who they are. We do look after our customers.

Also please read the response from exile360 in regard to the EULA, and the legal statements in the EULA.

Thank You -

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noknojon -

I can't tell what your affiliation/qualifications are, but it does not appear as though you are one of the "Malwarebytes folks" from whom I was seeking guidance.

Please give a little consideration to those of us who post questions here and don't hijack threads that someone else has started.

As indicated by me, exile360 answered my question. I don't need you to "reinforce" anything - nor take over the thread I started.

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