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Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as Decoration Day, which was first recorded to have been observed by Freedmen (freed enslaved southern blacks) in Charleston, South Carolina in 1865, at the Washington Race Course, to remember the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. Today, what is now known as Memorial Day, commemorates all U.S. Service Members who died while in military service . The recognition of the fallen victims was then enacted under the name Memorial Day by an organization of Union veterans


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As always, a pleasure guys (and gal).. Dumb me; I'm 67 and always thought MEMORIAL DAY was for those killed in WW-II.. I never knew it started way back just after OUR War between the States... I guess we all learn something new sometime...

And yes, Thank you to all our Veterans including myself... :)


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Ours is November 11th and from the heart i salute you all!

Thanks Wayne - Remind me a few days before Canadian Memorial Day and I'll get the graphics and info for a similar posting to celebrate yours. :)


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Memorial Day is a day for me to reflect on the men that I led and trained at the 101st Airborne Division here and gone. I remember you all well. Farewell to the ones that are gone and best wishes to the ones that are not.

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Your Welcome!...

And Thanks to those others that served with me during my time, and those currently serving.... God Bless!!!

Hello Firefox:

What branch did you earn your crab with?

Thank you for your service!

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