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Slow login to MSN and Email


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My computer recently has become painfully slow when signing on to MSN and when checking email. However when surfing the net it seems to go at a normal speed. I have Verizon High Speed Internet. have posted a Hijack log because of virus/trojan/spware issues that I am trying to resolve. But I'm wondering if I accidently changed a setting of some sort on my computer accidently that may be causing this. I did reset my my firewall to its defaults which I think was a bad idea ~ but I don't think that accounts for this problem.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hello angiepangie8, if your PC is still infected then the slowness could have to do with malware. Other than that it might be related to your firewall depending on which one you use. Also, if you are still infected it's a bad idea to use any programs that require passwords as a trojan on your computer could try to steal them. I would wait until everything is cleaned up, then change all the passwords you've used since you got the infections, or go to a computer you know is clean and change them now. I hope I've been helpful, good luck and safe surfing.

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Hello angiepangie8, if your PC is still infected then the slowness could have to do with malware. Other than that it might be related to your firewall depending on which one you use. Also, if you are still infected it's a bad idea to use any programs that require passwords as a trojan on your computer could try to steal them. I would wait until everything is cleaned up, then change all the passwords you've used since you got the infections, or go to a computer you know is clean and change them now. I hope I've been helpful, good luck and safe surfing.


I have Comodo Safe Surf that I installed after I noticed virus problems then just the regular microsoft firewall which I restored to defaults and have been attempting to add exceptions to. Could it be the Comodo? It's strange that it's just the email and not the internet that is slow.

Also thanks for the info on the Passwords.

I now also have another major problem I think I may have caused. I deleted all of my cookies and temporary files and then later (I'm not sure if it's connected to my deletions) my computer experienced a Serious Error! I rebooted and a message came up that said that my system recovered from a serious error. Not sure if you know what the following means but here is what the message said was the problem: BCCod:1000007e BCP1:C0000005 BCP2:804E83E8 BCP3:F7BEQA68 BCP4:7FBE0764 OSV9:512000 SP:30 Product 1

then it noted two locations which were in the temporary files ~ugh I think I messed up



Does it mean I deleted these and I shouldn't have.

I swear I keep digging myself into a deeper hole rather than fixing my problem!

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks again!

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What did you use to delete temp files and cookies? If you did it manually it's a bad idea, if you used Windows built in disk cleanup tool you're fine and if you used a reputable disk cleaning tool like Ccleaner you're fine. It would probably be a good idea not to mess with anything else until the expert in the HijackThis forum gives you the all clear that your system is clean as it may cause problems with your future logs showing unexplained changes to your system that he/she could attribute to malware, but you may have caused yourself. That's why you're instructed only to use scanning and removal tools you are told to by the expert assisting you.

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What did you use to delete temp files and cookies? If you did it manually it's a bad idea, if you used Windows built in disk cleanup tool you're fine and if you used a reputable disk cleaning tool like Ccleaner you're fine. It would probably be a good idea not to mess with anything else until the expert in the HijackThis forum gives you the all clear that your system is clean as it may cause problems with your future logs showing unexplained changes to your system that he/she could attribute to malware, but you may have caused yourself. That's why you're instructed only to use scanning and removal tools you are told to by the expert assisting you.

I did it through the toolbar on MSN in internet options and chose to delete all.

Thanks I will stop messing with stuff then and just cross my fingers that I didn't make things worse than the Virtumonde virus and whatever other viruses/trojans/spyware lurks on my computer.

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No problem, deleting them in the toolbar should be safe. You may have inadvertantly deleted a piece of malware from your temp files and that could be why it threw up the error. No biggie, just let the expert(s) do their job and you should be just fine.

Oh thank goodness!

Thank you again exile360!!!

By the way my husband was steaming when he found out that I deleted the cookies and temp folders because the passwords used to automatically come up for him on various sites and he had not written them down. So now have each site email him his password and our email takes forever. Is it a bad idea to have the password automatically fill in for you anyway? I haven't told him yet but now he should change all of those passwords anyway. I downloaded Comodo BoClean recently. Does that program help protect passwords? I told him he better write em down.

thank you

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Boclean is a good program, I use it myself (as you can see from my signature at the bottom of my posts). It doesn't exactly protect passwords directly, but it does help to block trojans and other malware. It is absolutely a good idea NOT to use features like autocomplete etc for passwords, as they can be hijacked by malware and even malicious websites. Just remember the HijackThis forum instructions that were given to you, don't install any software exept that which you are instructed to by the expert assisting you in the HijackThis forum, so hold off on installing Boclean. And PLEASE don't use your email or any other program that requires a password on the infected PC until it is totally cleaned up. This can potentially cause you, and anyone in your contacts lists some serious problems if a trojan got ahold of that info. It is best to use your infected PC as little as possible right now until everything gets cleaned up. So please avoid installing or removing any software and avoid web browsing unless you're coming here to check your posts from the expert assisting you or downloading the tool(s) he/she has instructed you to. Please don't take this as a scolding, it's not, I just want to make sure that your computer gets cleaned up as soon as possible and that you don't accidentally create any problems or issues for the expert who's assisting you in the Malware Removal forum.

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  • Root Admin

Hello Angie and Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Your issue appears to be related to Malware and this forum is not for Malware cleanup.

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

Once your system is declared CLEAN and you're still having issue of slowness you can return here for further advice.

Thanks again.

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I see you've been replying to your own thread in there as well. Like I said before, be careful in removing stuff. The expert who ends up assisting you may need a sample of something you removed previously. I know you're anxious to have a working PC again, and the expert will make sure you do, just be patient and he/she will walk you through what needs to be done step by step to get everything cleaned up and your PC running like new again.

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