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A man was thinking that his wife has hearing issues. He decides to consult a doctor.

The doctor tells the man that he should try the standard question test: ask a question from 20 feet away, then 10 feet, then right next to her.

When the man got home, he stood twenty feet away from his wife and asked, "What's for dinner?"

No answer.

The man walked 10 feet forward and asked again, "What's for dinner?"

Still no answer.

Finally, the man stood right next to his wife and said, "What's for dinner?"

His wife said,

"For the third time, it's CHICKEN!"

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Reminds me of my wife and I. :lol: :lol:

I lost my high pitch hearing while in the military and I have Tinnitus (Constant ringing in the ear) in both ears since about 1972.

The Tinnitus is about ready to drive me nuts! :wacko: :wacko:

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