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The new makeover.


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WOW!! I was't expecting such a big change :)

As with any change, it will will take time getting use to.

Looking where I'm at at the moment and forgot what the rest of the board looked like :) :) :)

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Guest remixed

It's an improvement on the 'off the peg' interface with which we're so familiar. It does suffer a little from style over functionality. I suggest a more distinct separation between;

1, Headers and post's. Fot example, 'Newest Rogues', between 'The Purpose of this Forum' and submissions.

2, Between all posts, the current bar is not distinct enough.

I suuggest using one of the two darker shades to maintain the overall look but using different densities.

But, first impressions..... i like it!

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Being a grumpy old bugger I really don't like change so gimme an "Old Style" option in the box below ASAP!



Not possible. This is a new version of the IPB software and the old theme was incompatible. We're certainly happy to take suggestions for things that can be improved, and we are working on a new theme to replace this default one with.

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I don't know about anyone else but I'm having a hard time finding myself let alone all my open Malware topics.

LDTate, all Forums I was following myself, show as unread messages too. I had to catch up, I finally just marked them to all read....

To Admins....

I miss my TOP button, will we get that back? (I do see the link way at the bottom that says Back to Top, but I am talking about the one that was under each post).

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Looks good I like it....

Just gonna take a little getting used to is all.... Good Job....





Thank you for your patience while we all get used to this new interface. As Robert said, we are working on our own theme that will be pretty awesome in my opinion :).

I hope the layout is more easy to use than this one thats for sure :)
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  • Root Admin

I am still trying to get used to the new interface myself, as are half of our staff I'm sure. Rest assured, we are all suffering through it with you :).

Tip of the day: If you think you are missing private messages, you aren't. Click on the arrow right next to your name and select Messenger. I'm sure many of you are clicking the arrow next to the number. That will take you to your notifications, not your private messages. I figured this out the hard way!

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