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I work on other peoples computers, and obviously have a lot to learn. But this one problem continues to pop up over and over again. How many of you have heard on AntiVirus 2008 or 09. Basically it holds your computer hostage and demands a ransom, leading the user to believe that theyre infected with 2000 or so threats, sometimes demanding over $100 to allegedly fix your computer.

My question is this. I have done a fresh install on many a system, and installed Avast and Zone Alarm, only to have them infected again with the ever so pleasant AntiVirus 2008, 09. AdAware after the fact is useless. Is the paid for version of Malwarebytes a product that

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Running the pro version of Malwarebytes should prevent your users from getting reinfected for the most part, you might also consider using spywareblaster and spybot (for the immunize feature) to block a lot of the bad pages that these nasties come from as well as a good hosts file like hphosts or mvps(you could also use a free program called hostsman which downloads several ad-blocking/malware blocking hosts files and merges them with the user's hosts file to block bad pages. As far as removing the infection from an already infected pc, as far as I know the way Malwarebytes generally works is to find infections on an active system (and you usually only need to do a quick scan because it targets the locations where the infections are known to reside).

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