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Hi, while Malwarebytes was running and performing a full scan, I opened a personal text file, it took longer than usual to load all the text, and when it finally all got loaded, I did what I desired to do in the file and closed it. A few minutes later, still while Malwarebytes scan was running, I reopened the personal text file to add something to it, and about 97% of it was wiped out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the hell???

Please, before I decide to sue Malwarebytes, because its program obviously was the culprit to the deletion of most of a very important personal file that I spent SO MUCH TIME working on, help me recover this randomly deleted information, and it better be ALL OF IT THAT WAS LOST, or I will go absolutely crazy.

Attention Malwarebytes representatives, I need your professional assistance here.

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I definitely did not hit the delete or backspace button at all while the text file was open, I simply viewed some information in it and then closed it by hitting the 'X' button on the upper right corner of the window. For me to have deleted this lost data, I would have had to highlight all the text that was lost, press the delete or backspace button, and then Ctrl + s or go to file and save or press enter or click yes to the prompt to save after hitting the X button (and there was NO prompt to save after clicking the X button.) I certainly did not do any of this, so it was definitely caused by a bug associated with malwarebytes' scan, and I have never experienced this problem before. In other words, data has never before been randomly deleted from my computer, and it was deleted just now while Malwarebytes' scan was running. This is not a coincidence.

I'm going to report this and file a lawsuit against Malwarebytes right now if I cannot recover this important information, and please notify your supervisor or manager about this, because I am serious.

If I don't receive the help from Malwarebytes to recover this great amount of lost information, I will go ahead and begin filing the lawsuit. Thank you.

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Did you carefully read everything I said? I didn't save, exactly my point, because there was nothing new to save. I didn't even type anything new or hit the backspace or delete buttons, or ANY button other than X.

For you, I will repeat what I said above in brief: I opened the file while MBAM's full scan was running, read some stuff, and closed the file. The second time I opened the file, and this has never happened to me before (only now while MBAM's full scan was running), POOF! 97% of the data was done. Is this a bit clearer for you?

BTW, you make a (unattractive) hasty generalization, and your argument is totally weak (and doesn't make much sense either.) Nice try, man.

Anyway, if I don't receive professional help from Malwarebytes by tonight to resolve this problem as it was obviously caused by MBAM (as much as I thought I loved MBAM), like I said, I will begin filing the lawsuit.

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You tell me how I could have deleted the (very large amount of) information without first highlighting it all.

Note that I couldn't simply accidentally have pressed Ctrl + a (then delete and save), because that would have wiped out everything, however there was some info that got lucky and remained!!!

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This is the last post I'll make.

You closed Notepad without saving. Clicking the X may have resulted in it crashing on close(programs can and do on rare occasions)without a warning on saving. No antimalware program has the ability of removing text from a document. You're wasting both their time and yours if you sue. There is no way this would even go to court as it is ridiculous. No lawyer would even take this(I would like to see one that did).

Correction: You did not say which text editor you were using. Assumed it was Notepad(thought I read that), but I could be wrong.

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A ton of valuable information that was suddenly erased is not worthy of ridicule. Even if what you say is true, the wordpad file only crashed (for the first time) while MBAM scan was running, so it def. has something to do with MBAM.

I am prepared to pay a lawyer whatever he needs to take this to court, as this information was too valuable, and I will go crazy if I can't recover it.

I am still waiting for a representative to help me, MBAM, you have until midnight until I file the report and complaint. Attention MBAM, you will receive a summons in a few days if I don't get my data back by tonight.

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  • Root Admin

Hello beau1234,

Our product does not have the ability to do file editing. The process we use is to scan the memory, registry, and file locations first. Those items have to be completed before we can even let you know what we find, and then and only then do we give you the choice to remove any found registry entries or unwanted files. We do not automatically remove any found items unless you have the professional version and have it setup via the internal scheduler to run fully automated. In which case it would still only remove an infected file or registry entry - it could not edit a file as there is no internal feature or function to edit files period.

Thank you

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In your words, "[p]eople who actually have a case based on hard evidence just sue." Gosh, is this forum just full of hasty generalizations?

Anyway, thanks to a sector editor, I found and got the info back!

I'm never going to make the computer do any other work, especially with text files, while MBAM is running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love MBAM, but I'm also considering uninstalling it. I'm too scared of opening and closing files now while it runs, and I don't want to not be able to use my computer while it runs. Good luck to all of you diehard fans of Malwarebytes.

And BTW, I only used this threat in an effort to motivate Malwarebytes reps to help me retrieve the lost data ASAP, as it is very valuable to me (and time is of the essence in these matters and as memory moves around) and as their program's process of scanning obviously contributed to the crashing of wordpad and loss of associated data. Not to mention, opening the file in wordpad took at least 50% longer than usual while MBAM was scanning (I've never even before seen the loading percentage figure at the bottom of wordpad! I didn't even know it had that feature!) I'm sorry, but this particular instance of a threat would not be counterproductive as you claim, as it was simply a warning, to call upon professional help. There was nothing unreasonable about this warning. On the contrary, this warning/threat was beneficial to Malwarebytes, as opposed to just flatly suing them without investigating whether they can fix the problem and eliminate the need to sue. :) The reason for which I gave this warning/threat was that my about-to-be-taken legal action came with a condition (I'd much rather someone warn me that they're going to sue me before doing so, so that I can see if I can curb their intention of suing. Sometimes that's possible!) Is it not OK to have and state a condition to filing a lawsuit or complaint? Is it not OK or reasonable to give a warning about suing before you do it? After all, this was like a favor I was doing for Malwarebytes!

I understand that certain warnings/threats are non-conducive, inappropriate, and/or unreasonable to a pending action, but this particular instance of a warning/threat was the opposite of all three of these characteristics. In other words, not every warning/threat is bad : )

Nice try, you.

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  • Root Admin

If your data is important to you then you really should invest in an adequate backup solution and use it daily.

You might want to consider something like this product but regardless of what you select make sure it's on an external device and not the same drive your OS is installed on.

FREE, Easy-to-use Backup Software For Your Backup and Recovery

GFI Backup

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Try and see if Recuva might be able to recover the file for you:


Info on Recuva: http://www.piriform.com/recuva/features

Download the Slim version, at the bottom of the page :)

I am not sure if it will be able to recover the file but it's worth a try.

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Thanks Ron, I currently have the available options of both Dell and McAfee (free) data backup services (I think both of which offer the feature of automatically updating copies of my files stored in their databases by synchronizing them with my originals on my comp...any idea which service is more efficient, reliable, or user-friendly??), and I should use one, you're right. I guess I just never expected wordpad to crash on me like that.

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  • Root Admin

I've not used either one. I'm sure as another backup method either one are probably pretty good.

Concerns I have are.

Amount of data? If you have a large amount of data or modify it often then remote backup is very slow and time consuming.

If your network connection is down and you have a file loss or drive failure, etc then you don't have access to your data backups.

I keep a minimum of 3 separate backups of all data that I consider very important, and I even keep a 4th drive off site for 2 large folders that I consider impossible to replace if they were lost.


Internal secondary drive

External secondary drive

Using a remote backup service though would help in the case of natural disaster or fire in the home.

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